Group 2 Period 8

  • Election of George washington

    Election of George washington
    On feb 4, 1788 the election of george washington was the first and to this day the only time a president was elected washington was a well respected and famous person. he was talked into becoming the united states president and so he became for 8 great and long years.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    An 1803 court case in which the Supreme Court had the power to decide whether laws passed by congress were constitutional or not. This was called the judicial review. The case included William Marbury and James Madison.
  • Bill of Rights added to the Constitution

    Bill of Rights added to the Constitution
    They thought some of the bill of rights had no rights. It made sure it had equal rights. They could say some rights were unconstitutional. Before they added them no one had rights.
  • Beginning of Federalist Party

    Beginning of Federalist Party
    1789-1801 leaders in the federalist party were Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison, and George Washington. They all had a lot of imput put on to the constitution being signed. They all ended up signing the constitution.
  • beggining of democratci republican party

    beggining of democratci republican party
    it evolved in december 5, 1792 during george washington’s presidential term.they believed that the united states needed a strong central government. the democratic republicans wanted to make a treaty with the french while the federalist did not.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    A tax was forced on whiskey which caused citizens and farmers to outrage and rebel. Many participants of the rebellion attacked tax inspectors, Washington soon after made the decision to send militia’s.
  • Election of john adams

    Election of john adams
    on december 7, 1796 the election of john adams was when john adams beat thomas jefferson to become the 2nd president of the united state but he only won by three votes.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    1797 French attempt to bribe the United States by demanding payment before talks could begin on the issue of French seizure of neutral American ships. The president could expel any alien, or foreigner, thought to be dangerous to the country. Another law made it harder for immigrants to become citizens.
  • Alien Act

    Alien Act
    Congress in 1798 passed four laws in an effort to strengthen the Federal government. Known collectively as the Alien and Sedition Acts, the legislation sponsored by the Federalists was also intended to quell any political opposition from the Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    Made to protect America’s participation in World War 1. Caused by the crisis with France, a law that citizens would be fined or jailed when criticizing government officials, or the government itself.
  • Election of Thomas Jefferson

    Election of Thomas Jefferson
    The election was what caused the two party system Americans have as our government today. This election was also called “The Revolution of 1800”. Thomas Jefferson successfully became the third president of the United States.
  • appiontment of john marshall

    appiontment of john marshall
    john marshall had declined to be apart of the supreme court of justice in 1798. however in 1801 he was appointed chief justice of the court. he was a federalist and he wanted to make the federal government stronger.
  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    thomas jefferson sent men to try and by new orleans but napoleon needed the money that he lost during the war and decided to sell all of louisiana for only 15 million dollars. livingston and monroe debated the matter but knew that thomas jefferson wanted the mississippi river so livingston and monroe decided to buy louisiana for the price of 15 million on december 1, 1803
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    1804-1806 Lewis and Clark started from St. Louis and were on a journey to explore the western part of the US. They were lead by Sacagawea who was only 15 at the time and had to carry around a baby. Little did they know that indians already knew the land that they were going to explore.
  • Election of James Madison

    Election of James Madison
    Madison was president from 1809-1817. He was a Democratic Republican, which caused some conflict. James Madison was the fourth president, he became president after Washington, who refused to stay a third term.
  • Nonintercourse Act

    Nonintercourse Act
    In Thomas Jefferson’s presidency, he claimed the Embargo Act had failed. He shortly after wrote the Non- Intercourse Act. The act carried out the law for all Americans to trade with all nations except for Britain and France.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The War of 1812 started in August 1814. One of the very many causes of the War of 1812, was that the British attempted to restrict U.S. trade. Francis Scott Key wrote our National Anthem while witnessing the victory of America in the war. United States celebrated the War of 1812 as a “second war of independence”
  • Election of james monroe

    The United States presidential election of 1816 came at the end of the two-term presidency of Democratic-Republican James Madison. With the opposition Federalist Party in collapse, Madison's Secretary of State, James Monroe, had an advantage in winning the nomination against a divided opposition. Monroe won the electoral college by the wide margin of 183 to 34 on december 4, 1816
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Dec. 2, 1823, declaring the Western Hemisphere off-limits to European colonization. Concerned that the European powers would attempt to restore Spain's former colonies, he declared, inter alia, that any attempt by a European power to control any nation in the Western Hemisphere would be viewed as a hostile act against the U.S.
  • Gibbons vs Ogdon

    on march 2, 1824 a new york law that gave two individuals the exclusive right to operate steamboats on waters within state jurisdiction. laws like this one were duplicated elsewhere which led to friction as some states would require foreign boats to pay substantial fees for navigation privileges.
  • McCulloh vs. Maryland

    McCulloh vs. Maryland
    In 1816 congress chartered the Second Bank of the United States. 1818, Maryland passed legislation to impose taxes on the bank. As a cashier of the Baltimore branch, McCulloh refused to pay the tax that had been imposed.