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  • Naomi's Reliance on Mother: Naomi is Born

    Naomi's Reliance on Mother: Naomi is Born
    Naomi (1 month) was recently born and cries for her mother, only being comforted by her touch. Erikson's first stage, trust vs. mistrust, the crisis is that as a newborn they have a bond with their mother that has been developing by shared body in the womb, that causes them to have a reliance on the mother. Naomi can only be comforted by her mother and grandmother who moved in. Naomi's mother spends this time helping her daughter shape her personality and world view.
  • Growing Up: Naomi Begins Middle School

    Growing Up: Naomi Begins Middle School
    Naomi (age 11) enters middle school and starts running practice, advanced classes, and she is in a new friend group. She works hard to be accepted by both her parents and peers. Erikson's stage 4, industry vs. inferiority, the crisis is the challenge between acceptance and recognition of competency, flowering into independence. During this stage Naomi strives for perfection, which ultimately erodes confidence as she feels she is only as good as her previous mistake.
  • Naomi Graduated: Onto College!

    Naomi Graduated: Onto College!
    Naomi (age 17) just graduated high school and is ready to move to her college dorm. She now has a part-time job and a car she had paid off. Erikson's stage 6, Intimacy vs Isolation, Naomi's crisis is that she is worried about her future, especially with finances and
    career outlook. She is worried about what her life past college will look like.