Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
Assassinated during a parade in sarajevo by a teenage serbian nationalist that gunned him down and his wife. He was next in line for the Austo-Hungarian throne. It is was caused the world war. -
Schlieffen plan implemented
German attack on Belgium. Attack on france in response to international tension. They started to mobilize their forces near the German border. It caused Britian to declare war on Germany. -
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Battle of tannenburg
A battle between Russia and Germany in the first month of WW1 -
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First battle of the marne
The first battle of WW1 that resulted in an allied victory -
Armenian Deportation
2,345 armenians were arrested -
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Gallipoli Campaign
A world war that took place on the gallipoli penninsula in the ottoman empire -
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Battle of verdun
The biggest battle of world war 1 against French and German armies -
Zimmerman note
Proposed an alliance between Mexico and Germany and caused USA to join the war -
Implementation of unrestricted submarine warfare
Britain closed the border for ships to through a river into Germany which limited the supplies of food for the soldiers. So Germany decided to Blow up the block and let ships into the country -
U.S.A Entry
The USA declared war on Germany -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Treaty signed between Russia and the central powers which caused Russia to not participate in the war anymore. -
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Second battle of the marne
The last major German offensive on the western front -
Its a truce that pretty much ended the war and it caused the western front to stop having battles and end war there.