Greensboro, NC Woolworth Sit-In

  • Rosa Parks's Arrest

    Rosa Parks's Arrest
    In Montgomery, AL, Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat to a white man on the bus.
  • The Greensboro Sit-In

    The Greensboro Sit-In
    In Greensboro, NC, four African American students held a sit-in at Woolworth's Diner.
  • The Next Day

    The Next Day
    The next day in Greensboro, NC, three more African American students held a sit-in at Woolworth's Diner. They did this to follow in the footsteps the "Greensboro Four."
  • Sit-ins Are Continued

    Sit-ins Are Continued
    Student-led sit-ins are still happening around the United States. They are still doing this because even after seven months of leading protests, they still haven't been served at a lunch counter. This says something because a few months ago, the "Greensboro Four" was served, so why not everyone else.
  • CORE Begins Freedom Rides

    CORE Begins Freedom Rides
    CORE started sending out people on freedom rides on trains and buses. They did this to show that African Americans aren't moving no matter what, just like the "Greensboro Four" did.
  • The March

    The March
    All of these protests helped contribute to the March on Washington led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington D. C.
  • The Firsts

    The Firsts
    On this day the "Greensboro Four" were finally recognized as the first African Americans to actually be served at a lunch counter. The funny thing is it was at Woolworth's were they were served which was the same place they protested.