
Greenpeace International - Kyle DeLancey

  • Greenpeace starts its protests on nuclear Testing in Alaska.

    Greenpeace starts its protests on nuclear Testing in Alaska.
    In Vancouver, the protest of nuclear bomb test in Amchitka, Alaska.
  • Greenpeace Concert

    Greenpeace Concert
    Raised 17,000 dollars for a Greenpeace mission
  • Amchitka Nuclear Bomb Test occured

    Amchitka Nuclear Bomb Test occured
  • France agreed to end atmospheric nuclear testing.

    France agreed to end atmospheric nuclear testing.
    France agreed to end atmospheric nuclear testing.
  • Start of Whale Rights Issues

    Start of Whale Rights Issues
    Using 2 ships, Greenpeace aimed to stop Soviet whaling in the Pacific
  • Baby Seals protest.

    Baby Seals protest.
    ??? year??
  • Attempts at a second seal hunt prevention is met with opposition.

    Attempts at seal hunt prevention is met with opposition. Paul Watson handcuffed himself to bloody pelts.
  • Icelandic Whaler confronted

    Went on for three months
  • Greenpeace faces of a rebellion

    Vancouver office had 150K debt, while San Francisco office didn't want to answer to Vancouver.
  • Greenpeace is left by the founders

    Most people that founded Greenpeace had left, Amsterdam becoming the new headquarters.
  • Went to New Zealand to protest Franch Nuclear bombings...

    but Rainbow Warrior was sunk by sabotage by two bombs. A Greenpeace photographer is killed in the bombing by two french Agents. The French President order the bombing.