

  • billie joe armstrong was born

    billie  joe armstrong was born
    billie joe armstrong(lead singer lead guitar )was born
  • mike dirnt was born

    mike dirnt was born
    mike dirnt was born
  • tre cool was born

    tre cool was born
    tre cool born
  • greendays first show

    greendays first show
    the first show as sweet children
  • greenday first studio album kerplunk

    greenday first studio album kerplunk
    the first album in studio for green day featchering thare first grate song wellcome to paridice
  • dookie was realeced

    dookie was realeced
    thare first grate album featchering menny hit songs
  • greee day gose to wood stock

    greee day gose to wood stock
    a grate prefomence starts a mud fight in resault basist mike dirnt gets takeled by sacurity and then takeing to security
  • good riddance is realesed

    good riddance is realesed
    the video won a mtv award
  • greenday realses wairning

    greenday  realses  wairning
    a allright album
  • american idiot

    american idiot
    the worst albom ever this albom was a completly afull sell out alboum and started a chain reaction of awfull sell out greenday alboms it sucks but