Greek Timeline

  • 510 BCE

    Democracy in Athens

    Athens shifted between four different governments; monarchy->oligarchy->tyranny->direct democracy. One of their leaders, Draco, was a harsh ruler and created equally harsh laws. When he was no longer King another man, Solon, took over. He began democratic reforms, like banning slavery of citizens for unpaid debts. He repealed the Draconian laws. Athens had a direct democracy for only around 100 years. A direct democracy meant that the citizens directly voted for laws.
  • Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE

    Persian Wars

    The Persian Wars began because the Athenians helped a Persian colony rebel. Darius, the ruler of Persia, has tried to conquer Greece many times but each time he ultimately failed. There were three battles fought during the Persian Wars, the Battle of Marathon, the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of Salamis. The war was important as it lead to the Golden Age of Athens, a time where art prospered and the city-state was wealthy.
  • Period: 495 BCE to 429 BCE

    Golden Age of Athens

    After the Persian Wars Athens became very powerful and very wealthy. They created the Delian League, an alliance of Greek city-states to provide defense against the Persian Empire. Athens had a “membership fee” and used the funds to build up an even more powerful navy. Athens bullied other city-states into the league and if a polis wanted to leave Athens would punish them by conquering them and enslaving all of the citizens.
  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    The Battle of Marathon was the first battle in the Persian Wars. Athens ended up winning this battle through their phalanx formation. The soldiers fight side-by-side with spears and shields. After They had won, pheidippides ran 26 miles back to Athens to tell them of their victory!
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    During this battle the greeks came together to keep a mountain pass, Thermopylae, from the Persians. At the time there were 300 Spartans and 7000 other Greeks against 10,000 Persians. They held the pass for three days but a traitorous Greek merchant told the Persians of a way around the pass. Ultimately the Greeks lost this battle.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Salamis

    This battle was fought in the Aegean Sea around the island, Salamis. The Greeks easily won this war due to their powerful navy and their knowledge of sailing. The Greeks sank 1/3 of the Persian ships. This war ended the Persian Wars, giving the Greeks the victory.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War began due to Athens becoming too powerful and bullying other city-states into the Delian League. The Spartans created the Peloponnesian League to counter the Delian League. War broke out and Pericles took his people into the city wall for safety. However during the second year of the war a plague breaks out in Athens, killing 1/3 of their population. Sparta won the war but the long war exhausted both city-states and they were easily conquered by the Persian Empire.
  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE

    Hellenistic Age

    The Hellenistic Age began after Greece was conquered, combining the knowledge and culture of Persia, Greece, Egypt and India. The first ever research library and museum were built in Alexandria, Egypt, named after king Alexander the Great. Many mathematicians, scientists and philosophers went to Alexandria to study while others began creating art. The new style was different from the previous classic art, now showing realism and movement. The sculptures showed expression and were “less perfect”.