10 BCE
Prometheus is Remembered
Because Prometheus stood up against Zeus, a force of oppression and injustice, he is remembered in both ancient Greek and modern culture as a rebel against a great misuse of authority. Generations after his punishment, Prometheus is set free- whether by Chiron, who was willing to die for Prometheus in order to free him, or by Hercules who killed the eagle and released Prometheus, or by another force unkown. -
Prometheus Tricks Zeus.
Prometheus cared deeply for mankind, so while he was to show Zeus the different parts of a great Ox so Zeus could choose which one would be the God's sacrifice, but he tricked him. Prometheus purposefully hid the edible parts of the Ox under it's hide and entrails and grandly showed the Oxen's fat on top of its bones, Zeus, of course, picked the fat, not knowing of the bones underneath. Date not accurate. -
The Punishment of Mankind's Friend
Zeus, not finished with his revenge, now moved onto punishing Prometheus. Zeus forgot the debt he owed Prometheus, since his success in defeating the Titans was greatly due to Prometheus, and allowed his rage to get the best of him. Zeus had Hermes bind Prometheus to a rock in which he would be tortured and pecked at by an Eagle for atonement for his fondness for humanity, as well as his rebellion against Zeus' will by not sharing information Zeus wanted that only Prometheus knew. -
Pandora's Box
Pandora was given a box by the Gods that was said to hold evil and misfortune, and she was told by the Gods never to open it. The Greeks believed that woman were a punishment to man because of their curiosity, which Pandora had. When her curiosity overcame her she opened the box, fulfilling Zeus' revenge, and released all the misfortune, plagues, and sorrow that was held inside. Alongside all the bad though, she released hope into the world. Date not accurate. -
Zeus Gets Revenge
Mad at Prometheus for stealing fire for the humans, tricking him with the Oxen fat, and caring for the humans too much, Zeus sets up a plan of revenge on both mankind and Prometheus by creating a woman out of clay. The woman, Pandora- as well as any other woman, was thought to be an evil to mankind. Date not Accurate -
Golden Age
Despite the story of creation, whether following the story of five ages and of five metals or the story of Prometheus fixing Epimetheus' mistake and helping in the creation of mankind, there is a tale of a Golden Age in which men were happy, flocks and fields were abundant, and they lived like mortal gods. Date not accurate. -
Prometheus Creates Man
Prometheus fashions man after Godkind, making them step on two legs and gives them a "nobler" shape than animals. -
Prometheus Gives Man Protection
In order to give man an advantage over animals, Prometheus lights a torch from the sun itself and gives it to man. -
Epimethesus Gives All the Gifts to the Animals
Epimetheus (name meaning afterthought) gives all his gifts to the animals of the world in his creation process, all the strength, speed, and protection, leaving humans with nothing. He has to ask his brother, Prometheus, for help when humans lack the ability to survive against the beasts of the Earth. Date not accurate. -
Earth is Ready for Humans
After the Titans are deposed, Typhon is struck down, and the Giant rebellion is stopped by Zeus the Earth is now safe and ready for human habitation. Date: before the creation of humans, the date is not accurate.