
Greek Gods/Goddess Timeline

  • 1703 BCE

    The Gods/Goddesses Were Born

    The Gods/Goddesses Were Born
    Rhea gives birth to Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus.
  • 1684 BCE


    Zeus and his brothers fight Cronus in a huge war for the Throne.
  • 1674 BCE

    Hesiod's first age: The Golden Age of Mankind

    Hesiod's first age: The Golden Age of Mankind
    Hera gave birth to Hephaestus, Ares, Eris, and Hebe. Zeus was the Father of these Gods/Goddesses.
  • 1667 BCE

    Hesiod's second age: The Silver Age of Mankind

    Hesiod's second age: The Silver Age of Mankind
    Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Athena were born by different mothers. Athena was born out of Zeus' head.
  • 1654 BCE

    Pandora Starts A Crisis

    Pandora Starts A Crisis
    Pandora is given a jar as a wedding present and told not to open it. Pandora opens the jar and mankind suffers the consequences of disobedience.
  • 1640 BCE


    The Battle of the Gods and Giants erupts. A Gigantes named Porphyrion is defeated.
  • 1628 BCE

    Hesiod's third age: The First Brazen Age of Mankind

    Hesiod's third age: The First Brazen Age of Mankind
    Zeus seduces Niobe the daughter of Phoroneus. This was the first affair with mortal women.
  • 1460 BCE

    Before the Hellenic Wars

    Before the Hellenic Wars
    A flood is sent by Zeus to destroy all of mankind after Lycaon outrages the Gods. Deucalion and his family escape in an Ark, which his father tells him to build.