594 BCE
Dikasteria introduced
508 BCE
Democracy Begins in Athens
490 BCE
Greece Rebells Against Persia
480 BCE
Persia Destroys Athens
479 BCE
Greece Beats Persia
478 BCE
Delian League Created
469 BCE
Socrates Born
Period: 469 BCE to 399 BCE
Socrates Life
466 BCE
Sparta Destroyed by Earthquake
464 BCE
Sparta asked Athens for Help
461 BCE
Kimone Ostracized
454 BCE
Delian League Treasury Moved to Athens
451 BCE
Perikles Changes Citizen Law
446 BCE
30-Year Peace Treaty Signed
444 BCE
Ajax written
443 BCE
Problems between Sparta and Athens Begin
440 BCE
Andocides born
Period: 440 BCE to 390 BCE
Andocides life
433 BCE
Athens Violates 30-Year Peace
432 BCE
Potidia tries to leave Delian League
431 BCE
Spartans Invade Attike
431 BCE
Arcadian War Starts
Period: 431 BCE to 421 BCE
Arcadian War
430 BCE
Summer Plague Begins
430 BCE
Herodes born
Period: 430 BCE to 426 BCE
Summer Plague in Walls
Period: 430 BCE to 395 BCE
Herodes life
429 BCE
Perikles Dies
426 BCE
Summer Plague Ends
425 BCE
Athens Invades Sphakteria Capturing Spartans
425 BCE
Sparta requests truce thats denied
424 BCE
Thetens Army developed
423 BCE
Clouds Performed
422 BCE
Brasidias and Kleon die in Amphipolis
422 BCE
Peace of Nikias
421 BCE
Arcadian War Ends
420 BCE
Alkibiades stirs up trouble with Argos
419 BCE
Armies go to Peloponnese
418 BCE
Spartans declare war on Argos
418 BCE
Peloponnesian War Begins
Period: 418 BCE to 404 BCE
Peloponnesian War
416 BCE
Athens send Embossy to Melos
415 BCE
Herodes father died in Sicily
413 BCE
Alkibiades moves to Sparta
413 BCE
Rowing used in War
411 BCE
Alkibiades goes back to Athens
411 BCE
Ekklesia become Oliogarchy
411 BCE
Herodes marries his wife
407 BCE
Alkibiades murdered
406 BCE
Athens Victorious
Rejects Sparta's offer -
405 BCE
Herodes is poor
404 BCE
Peloponnesian War Ends
404 BCE
Athens Surrenders to Sparta
404 BCE
Herodes on trial
402 BCE
Euphiletos Trial
400 BCE
Xenophon leads Greek Epikouroi during Stasis
400 BCE
Nikostratos's Case
399 BCE
Socrates Apology
395 BCE
Herodes dies
390 BCE
Andocides dies
355 BCE
Aristons Trial
Period: 355 BCE to 341 BCE
Aristons Case
342 BCE
Neaira's Case