490 BCE
Battle of Marathon
The Persian Empire had tried to conquer Greece three times but always failed, this leads to battles between Greece and the Persian Empire. There was the Battle of Marathon where Greeks had early victories against the Persian Empire. They won through the phalanx formation, a formation where Greeks fight side by side with Spear and shield. After their victory Pheidippides ran 26 miles to notify Athens. This is why it’s called the Battle of Marathon. -
480 BCE
Battle of Thermopylae
Greeks unite to stop Xerxes from taking Athens. It was 300 Spartans plus 7000 other greeks versus 10000 Persians. Spartans held Thermopylae, which is a mountain pass, for 3 days before being defeated. Spartans find secret passage through the mountain from a Greek traitor. -
Period: 479 BCE to 431 BCE
Golden Age of Athens
Athens wealth leads to the Golden Age. Leader Pericles increased democracy and created a large powerful navy. In this age art became very important. People had Classical Art which portrayed idealistic and youthful features to statues. They also had theatre, the Greeks created two different genres of theatre. They had tragedy which was about love, hate, war and etc. They also had comedy. -
449 BCE
End of the War
Greece no longer has the Persian Empire threat. Athens gains wealth and power from the war. Athens becomes the leader of the Delian League. The Delian League is an alliance of Greek city-states that gave defense against Persia in case of another attack. Athens uses its wealth to pressure other city-states into joining. If the didn’t comply they would be put into slavery. Athens creates a large empire stretching along the Black Sea, Turkey, and many islands in the Mediterranean. -
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
The Peloponnesian War
After the Golden Age Athens was way too powerful as the leader of the Delian League. They had a powerful navy and trading empire. Some of the city-states wanted to leave because of Athens fees and impact on the league. Sparta creates the Peloponnesian League to repel the Delian League. Pericles brings citizens behind city walls, which results in a deadly plague killing 1/3rd of the population. Sparta wins the war. Since both are weak Macodonia easily conquers them. -
Period: 336 BCE to 323 BCE
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great son of Phillip the II King of Macedonia was crowned king at 20 years old after his father’s death. Alexander was a well trained and educated military officer. He was taught by Aristotle and was exposed to many military expositions. Alexander himself at a young aged conquered Greece, the Persian Empire, Egypt, and India. After conquering India Alexander died from malaria at the age of 33. Then his generals split the land among themselves. -
323 BCE
Alexander’s empire combined many different cultures. We have Greece, Persia, Egypt, and India. All this culture created Hellenism. In Alexandria, Egypt was the most important, many mathematicians, scientists, and philosophers studied there. A great time for art and education in ancient times. -
323 BCE
Hellenistic Art
In Hellenistic times the people appreciated art and education. They loved sculptures and wanted a realistic look to all of them. They wanted the statues to look realistic and natural. They sculptures showed emotion and movement as well. The are different from Classical art because they weren’t perfect and posing.