Macedonian Wars
The Corinthian War
Following the Peloponnesian (Archidamian) war, a new war begins between Sparta and an alliance of Thebes and Corinth - former allies of Athens - in a struggle for power. -
Sparta wins the war
After fighting for a year, Sparta wins the Corinthian War -
Atherns Surrender, Ending the Peloponnesian War
Athens is finally forced to surrender. The Athenian Democracy is replaced by a council of thirty tyrants -
First Peloponnesian War
The Peloponnesian and Delian Leagues begin fighting. -
The Battle of Thermopylae
300 brave Spartan soldiers face off against the entire Persian army, fighting to protect the retreat of their main force. No Spartan soldier leaves alive, but they hold off over 80,000 Persians for three days.. -
Jun 15, 776
First Olymics
The first Olympic Games are held at Olympia. The winning athletes receive an olive-branch crown, a symbol of honor. The Games begin as part of a religious festival dedicated to Zeus, king of the gods. -
Jul 19, 800
Individual city-states rise
These were each ruled by one leader and often warred against one another. The two most well known city-states were Athens and Sparta. -
Mar 13, 1210
Trojan War
The Trojan War was waged against the city of Troy by the Achaeans (Greeks) after Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband Menelaus -
Mycenians from Asia invade Greek mainland
They conquer the people living there and become the first Greek kings