• Period: 750 BCE to 650 BCE

    Expansion to the west

    The Greeks went to the west. They settled in the islands and coasts of the Ionian Sea, Sicily, the south of the Italian peninsula and France, Libya and the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula.
    Information: from the social book
  • Period: 650 BCE to 550 BCE

    Expansion to the east

    The Greeks expanded to the east. They founded colonies on the shores of the Black Sea.
    Information: from the social book
  • 480 BCE

    The First Medical War

    The First Medical War
    Persian king Xerxes started the Second Medical War. It invaded northern and sacked Athens, although shortly after it was defeated in the battles of Salamis and Platea.
    Information: from the social book
    Photo: https://historiaeweb.com
  • 447 BCE

    The League of Delos

    The League of Delos
    The League of Delos was formed, a union of polis that provided a quantity of money to maintain a fleet of war to defend itself against new Persian attacks.
    Information: from the social book
    Photo: https://mihistoriauniversal.com
  • 336 BCE

    Assassinated by Philip II of Macedonia

    Assassinated by Philip II of Macedonia
    When Philip II of Macedonia agreed to conquer the Persian Empire, Philip II was assassinated
    Information: from the social book
    Photo: https://es.wikipedia.org
  • Period: 334 BCE to 323 BCE

    Conquering Alexandre

    Alexandre arrived at the Indus River valley and conquered a great empire that extended to Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt.
    Information: from the social book
  • 323 BCE

    The death of Alexander

    The death of Alexander
    Alexander died when he projected the conquest of Arabia.
    Information: from the social book
    Photo: http://revistacriteri.blogspot.com
  • Period: 12 BCE to 8 BCE

    Dark Time

    After the disappearance of the Mycenaean civilization, the so-called dark period passed, a period of which historical testimonies are not preserved.
    Information: from the social book
  • 8 BCE

    Grouping in polis

    Grouping in polis
    The Greeks were grouped in polis, which were cities with a government, some laws and an army of their own. That is why polis were said to be cities.
    Information: from the social book
  • 7 BCE

    The origin of democracy

    The origin of democracy
    The political reforms introduced by some lawmakers, like Salon, laid the foundations of the institutions of Athenian democracy.
    Information: from the social book
  • 6 BCE

    Crisis period

    Crisis period
    The growth of the population and the performance keys of the earth brought about a period of crisis and popular revolts against the aristoi. It was the beginning of a process that culminated with the emergence of democracy, a form of government in which all citizens participated. Athens is the best example.
    Information: from the social book
    Photo: https://www.sdpnoticias.com
  • Period: 5 BCE to 4 BCE

    Classical stage of Greece

    The classic era was dismantled by Greece. This period was characterized by the superiority of polis polis of Athens and Sparta and the succession of several wars.
    Information: from the social book
  • 3 BCE

    Philip II of Macedonia

    Philip II of Macedonia
    King Philip II of Macedonia
    He decided to take advantage of the weakness that the Greek polis had reached after decades of internal confrontations.
    Information: from the social book
    Photo: https://es.wikipedia.org