
By Cam16
  • 800 BCE

    Greece is founded

  • 753 BCE

    Roman empire was built

  • 750 BCE

    Greek culture forms

    Homer writes Iliad and odyssey
  • 750 BCE

    Greek alphabet

    The Greeks get a writing form for the Phonecians
  • 700 BCE

    Greek mythology develops

  • 650 BCE


    Draco and Solon steps in
  • 621 BCE

    Draco's law

    He introduces a very harsh code of law.
  • 600 BCE

    greek currency to bartering

  • 510 BCE

    Athens becomes democracy

  • 508 BCE

    Athens become democracy

  • 499 BCE

    End of the Persian war

    Greece defeated Persia
  • 492 BCE

    Start of the Persian wars

    Greek city states vs. Persia
  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    Greeks defeats Persians
  • 432 BCE

    The Parthenon is built

    Pericles finishes building the Parthenon
  • 404 BCE

    The Peloponnesian war

    Sparta Defeats Athens
  • 399 BCE

    Socrates dies

    He was the king of philosophy
  • 359 BCE

    King Phillip II of Macedonia

    He became king of Macedonia
  • 347 BCE

    Plato dies

    He was Socrates student and also dealt with philosophy
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander the great

    He ruled over Macedonia after his father, King Phillip II died.
  • 333 BCE

    Persian Empire

    Alexander the Great Takes of Persia
  • 332 BCE

    Eygpt is conquered

    Alexander takes over Greece
  • 330 BCE

    Hellenistic and Greek culture

    Alexander Starts to take on different cultures
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander dies

    When Alexander dies they cant figure out who should be the next ruler so they split the land up between the best fitted
  • 322 BCE

    Aristotle dies

    He was know for his philosophy and that he was a mathematician
  • 265 BCE

    Euclid Dies

    He was the founder of geometry
  • 212 BCE

    Archimedes dies

    He was known for his engineering and being a mathematician
  • 146 BCE

    Rome expands

    The roman Army Conquers Greece
  • 45 BCE

    Julius Caesar becomes dictator

    He names himself dictator for life.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Dies

    He dies on the Ides of March.
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus Caesar becomes Emporer

    He was the first emperor of the roman Empire
  • 80


    The Colosseum was built in celebration
  • 306


    HE becomes the new Emperor of Rome and moves the capital to Constantinople
  • 380


    Christianity Becomes a world religion because of Constantine
  • 395

    Rome splits

    Rome becomes two seperate empires