Greatest Of All Timeline

  • Obama elected

    href='' >Obama wins </a>A new change in leadership in the U.S had everyone otpomistic for a new leader. Obama had to adjust to his new role, and therefore was wary as to not lose supporters at the beggining of his presidency.
  • The Global Recession and the Collapse of Wall Street

    aboutmoney.comIn September 2008, there was the deepest economic downturn in the us and across the world since the Great Depression.
  • Iraq War Cost $800 Billion

    huff post When President George W. Bush announced the invasion into Iraq in March 2003, the goal was to remove a dangerous dictator and his supposed stocks of weapons of mass destruction. The effort was supposed to be cheap, to require few troops and even less time. Instead, it cost the US troops and money lots of it."
  • federal government's budget deficit

    congressional budget office COLD HARD FACTS: "The United States is facing significant and fundamental budgetary challenges. The federal government's budget deficit for fiscal year 2011 was $1.3 trillion; at 8.7% of gross domestic product (GDP), that deficit was the third-largest shortfall in the past 40 years."
  • US International Trade Data

    The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services decreased to $40.5 billion in July from $40.8 billion in June as exports and imports increased.
  • The Saving Deficit in America

    Money CrashersUSA Today reported that in the month of January the average household spent $575.00 OVER their budget. This means that they spent way more money than they had coming in. Not only is America increasingly spending more money, they are saving less.
  • US GDP

    US GDP even though the GDP has gone up the deficit has still gone up.
  • Black Friday

    about news
    One of the craziest days of the year where people fight over material things to get newest items at a discounted price. People are on a budget for Christmas shopping so they go and buy on Black Friday.