Carl von Linde, a German engineer born in 1842, revolutionized refrigeration. His work in thermodynamics led to the first reliable refrigeration system in 1876. Linde's refrigerator uses a cycle of gas compression, cooling, and expansion. A refrigerant absorbs heat as it evaporates, lowering temperatures inside, while releasing heat when compressed and condensed externally. This innovation enabled food preservation and industrial cooling, transforming modern life. We still use his invention. -
Alexander Graham Bell, a Scottish inventor (1847-1922), he invented the telephone in 1876. He studied in the University College London. Bell’s invention transmitted vocal sounds by electrical signals. It worked by converting sound waves into electrical signals using a diaphragm and electromagnet. These signals traveled through wires to a receiver, where they were converted back into sound. We use a very different methods of communucation today, a very evolved telephones. -
Light bulb
Thomas Edison, an American inventor (1847-1931), perfected the light bulb in 1879. His design used a carbon filament inside a glass bulb to prevent oxidation, allowing it to glow for extended periods when electrified. Edison's light bulb revolutionized lighting by providing a reliable, safe alternative to gas lamps, enabling widespread use of electric lighting and powering the development of modern methods of light. Today we only use the incandescent light bulb fot decoration. -
Internal combustion engine
Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, German engineers from the late 19th century, changed transportation with the internal combustion engine. Benz made the first practical car in 1885, and Daimler improved engine designs. The engine burns a mix of fuel and air in a cylinder, causing small explosions that push pistons. This movement powers the car, turning fuel into energy to make it run. we have improved it, but the design and concept is the same. -
Karl Benz, a German engineer (1844-1929), built the first practical car in 1885. His Motorwagen had a small gasoline engine that powered the back wheels using belts and gears. This invention made it possible for people to travel in motorized vehicles. Benz’s car changed transportation forever, leading to the modern car industry and making travel faster and easier for everyone. Today we have improved the engine and we use internal combustion, electric and hybrid ones. -
Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor, developed the radio in the late 1800s. He created a way to send wireless signals using electromagnetic waves. The radio works by converting sound into electrical signals, which are sent through the air as radio waves. A receiver catches these waves and turns them back into sound. Marconi’s invention made long distance communication possible, starting modern wireless technology. We still use the radio, is a crucial invention still today. -
The Lumière brothers, Auguste and Louis, were French inventors who created the cinematograph in 1895. It was one of the first devices to record, project, and show moving pictures. The machine worked by quickly capturing a series of images on film, then projecting them onto a screen with light. Their invention brought movies to the world, starting the modern film industry. Today we record by a digital way, very different from then. -
The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were American inventors who created the first successful airplane in 1903. Their plane used a gas engine to turn propellers, generating thrust to lift it into the air. The wings generated lift while the tail helped with stability. Their invention made controlled flight possible, changing transportation and paving the way for modern aviation. Now a days, we use a very modernised planes, with improved engines.