Steam engine
by Thomas Savery. -
battery invendet by Alessandro volta
typewrither by W.A.Burt
fax machine
washing machine by Hamilton Smith
The Radio by James Clark
Orginal use was for communication in war.
you record your masseges, the it will be send to a transducer, then it turns into an alektronic signal. now it'is send to a transmitter send throgh waves to a receiver. -
dynamite by Alfred Nobel
Developed in the mid-1870s by Alexander Graham Bell¨ -
toilet paper was sold by the British Perforated Paper Company
In November 1881, French inventor Gustave Trouvé demonstrated a working three-wheeled automobile powered by electricity at the International Exposition of Electricity, Paris.[16] -
conveyor belt
by Thomas Robins -
Lie detector by James Mackenzin
Bra worn by Mary Phelps Jacob
TV picture by John Baird
Helicopter was flown