Great Inventions

  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    by Thomas Savery.
  • battery invendet by Alessandro volta

  • typewrither by W.A.Burt

    typewrither by W.A.Burt
  • fax machine

    fax machine
  • washing machine by Hamilton Smith

    washing machine by Hamilton Smith
  • The Radio by James Clark

    The Radio by James Clark
    Orginal use was for communication in war.
    you record your masseges, the it will be send to a transducer, then it turns into an alektronic signal. now it'is send to a transmitter send throgh waves to a receiver.
  • dynamite by Alfred Nobel

    dynamite by Alfred Nobel
  • Telephone

    Developed in the mid-1870s by Alexander Graham Bell¨
  • toilet paper was sold by the British Perforated Paper Company

    toilet paper was sold by the British Perforated Paper Company
  • Automobile

    In November 1881, French inventor Gustave Trouvé demonstrated a working three-wheeled automobile powered by electricity at the International Exposition of Electricity, Paris.[16]
  • conveyor belt

    conveyor belt
    by Thomas Robins
  • Lie detector by James Mackenzin

    Lie detector by James Mackenzin
  • Bra worn by Mary Phelps Jacob

    Bra worn by Mary Phelps Jacob
  • TV picture by John Baird

  • Helicopter was flown