Great graft

  • 303

    The discovery of Tuton

    The humans dispatch a small group to hunt for food. The group find a Tear and accidently see a long eared human. The humans follow the long eared man and stumble through an illusionary wall, seeing the land of Tuton. The hunting group return and tell the king of their discovery where the king dispatches to meet these “long eared man”.
  • 303

    The humans learn of magic

    The humans arrive at Tuton and meet the elves. The elves show human’s magic. The elven prince, Johan, and human princess, Martha, fall in love and sleep together.
  • 304

    The first Demi-human

    The human princess gives birth to the first demi-human, Daemon.
    As a demi-human, Daemon gained the skills and abilities of both parental races, he was gifted magic.
  • 304

    The trust is broken

    The humans then find out that the elves hid themselves from the dragons and refused to help the other races. Martha is tasked to kill her baby as it is an abomination of the enemy. Instead of killing Daemon, she hands him over to an elven woman to take care of him.
  • 304

    The Elden war begins

    The humans and elves began in war. Daemon, whose identity was kept secret, was raised as an elven warrior for Tuton. Embedded into the Elven army.
  • 305

    The day of the black tail

    Daemon arrives on the battlefield, mounted on dragon back. Daemon disrupts the war and calls for a ceasefire or else he would burn down both sides, stopping the war.
  • 305

    The first dragon rider

    Daemon engages in battle but is pushed into a hole caused by a catapult. Daemon awoke in a tunnel system where he ventured through it to find an exit. He meets a black dragon. The dragon states its name to be Attor and that Daemon will be its next snack. Daemon fought the dragon, stealing a mystical sword covered in that dragon’s power, defeating it in combat.
    He named the sword “Oath’s Dawn”.
    Daemon mounts the dragon and rides it out of the tunnels.
    The first dragon rider is born.
  • 305

    The End of the Elden war

    Daemon travels from both sides, back and forth, to message the peace treaty of both lands. Daemon then finds out that he is a demi-human from his mother, the queen of the humans.
  • 305

    Daemon, the rightful

    Daemon became the new king of Hymn, the king of the humans. Daemon sets himself up in the land of Hymn, making it his new home. His dragon, Attor, now roams and takes care of the land of Hymn, protecting it from outsiders and enemies.
  • 407

    Oberon is placed within the Fairy garden

    The fairies carried the statue of Oberon, placing him alongside his wives body. The fairies leave the garden, imprisoning it.
  • 407

    Shinryu is defeated

    Shinryu is defeated by the Band of heroes. As Shinryu dies, the party gains the 5 hearts of Shinryu. With these new found powers, they head to Oberon.
  • 407

    Oberon is defeated

    Merlin is hit by a spell, turning him into a tree. As a last act, Merlin releases his Dragon heart, casting a bolt of draconic lightning, snipping off one of Oberon's wings. As Oberon falls, he is attacked by the heroes. Oberon is then sealed by the heroes, entombed in a never breaking armour of stone, turning into a statue.
  • 479

    The second Great Graft

    From the second Great graft the land received;
    • The twin dragons
    • Gilgamesh
    • Data tear
  • 479

    The Twin dragons

    The twin dragons fall from the sky. While falling, they engage in combat, shooting out beams of destruction and life around the land. The beams of life caused pre-existing creatures to evolve, such as Orcs who gained the ability to speak English and magic or wolves becoming human like, birthing beast men and werewolves. The beams of death caused the creation of an underground valley known as “Mamex”.
  • 480

    The Twins make home

    The dragon of death, takes Cadwa as its home while the dragon of death, takes Hz-at as its home, both to recover from their injuries in their duel.
  • 481

    The warning from the heavens

    The inhabitants of Gilgamesh tell the inhabitants of Cadwa and Hz-at that the twin dragons are from their land. The dragon of life, Shiromatsu and the dragon of death, Kuromatsu. They inform them that the twins are not to be trusted as they’re their own entities who caused destruction within their world.
  • 481

    Draconic worshipment

    The inhabitants of Cadwa became Believers of life, worshipping Shiromatsu,
    while the inhabitants of Hz-at became the Believers of death, worshipping Kuromatsu.
  • 484

    The battle of Eclipse

    Cadwa and Hz-at become entangled within a war due to their beliefs.
  • 484

    The Twins leave

    Kuromatsu and Shiromatsu, seeing the damage they've dealt to the land, begin to eradicate the land themselves, to remove their believers. Cadwa and Hz-at become a wasteland due to the dragons might. Shiromatsu leaves, his whereabouts known but it is known that Kuromatsu now inhabits Mamex as it’s new home.