The great gatsby 2012

Great Gatsby Timeline

  • Period: to

    Great Gatssvy Time Line

  • James Gatz is born

    James Gatz is born
  • James Gatz meets Dan Cody on his Yacht

    James Gatz meets Dan Cody on his Yacht
  • James Gatz changes his name to Jay Gatsby

    James Gatz changes his name to Jay Gatsby
  • Dan Cody dies

    Dan Cody dies
  • Gatsby and Daisy fall in love during the summer

    Gatsby and Daisy fall in love during the summer
  • Gatby leaves to fight in WWI

    Gatby leaves to fight in WWI
  • Jordan Meets Gatsby in Louisville

    Jordan Meets Gatsby in Louisville
  • Daisy Marries Tom

    Daisy Marries Tom
  • Meyer Wolfshiem fixes the World Series

    Meyer Wolfshiem fixes the World Series
  • Nick Moves to West Egg

    Nick Moves to West Egg
  • Daisy and Gatsby have an affair

    Daisy and Gatsby have an affair
  • Daisy hits Myrtle in Gatsby's car

    Daisy hits Myrtle in Gatsby's car
  • Gatsby is shot and dies

    Gatsby is shot and dies
  • Gatsby's funeral

    Gatsby's funeral