Great Gatsby Timeline

  • The Carraway Buisness

    Nick's grandfather's brother started the wholesale buisness.
  • Dan Cody is born

    He was 50 years old when he met Gatsby in 1907.
  • James Gatz's birth

    He was 17 years old when he met Dan Cody in 1907.
  • Nick and Tom are born

    Nick turns 30 in 1922 and he and Tom were in the same year at school. They are therfore the same age.
  • Daisy's birth

    She was 17 when she met Gatsby in 1917
  • Jordan Baker's birth

    Daisy is 2 years older than her.
  • Dan Cody buys his yatch

  • James Gtaz meets Dan Cody

  • Period: to

    Dan Cody and James Gatz sail the seas

  • Myrtle and George's wedding

    Wilson tells Michaelis that he and Myrtle have been married 12 years by the summer of 1922.
  • Myrtle and George moved to their appartement above the garage

  • Dan Cody dies

  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Tom and Nick graduate from Yale

    Nick goes to fight in the war
  • October

    Gatsby meets Daisy and falls in love with her
  • Period: to

    Gatsby leaves for Europe to fight in WW1

  • Jordan Baker becomes a professional golfer

  • Gatsby's promotions

    Gatsby fights with distinction in the Argonne Battle, and then is promoted to Captain and then to Major.
  • Gatsby spends five months at Oxford

  • Tom and Daisy's wedding

  • November

    Gatsby returns to Louisville but Daisy is not here. He asks Wolfsheim for a job.
  • January

    The Prohibition
  • Daisy gives birth to her daughter

    Her family moves to France for a year
  • Spring

    Tom starts his affair with Myrtle
  • June

    Nick moved to West Egg to study the bond buisness in New York. He has diner with the Buchanans and meets Jordan.
  • July

    Tom takes Nick to meet Myrtle. They go to a Manhattan apartment, to a small party that ends with Tom punching Myrtle in the face for talking about Daisy. Nick goes to one of Gatsby's parties and meets him. He goes to lunch with him. Jordan explain Gatsby and Daisy's history to Nick.
  • August

    Tom meets Gatsby. Tom and Daisy go to one of Gatsby's parties. Gatsby and Daisy start their affair. Gatsby stops his parties and fire his staff. Daisy invites the group to lunch. Gatsby reveals the affair and Tom reveals that Gatsby is a bootlegger. Daisy kills Myrtle. Gatsby takes the blame and Tom tells George that Gatsby killed her. Tom and Daisy, with their daughter, leave the town. George later kills Gatsby and himself
  • September

    Gatsby's funerals
  • Nick writes the story