
Great Gatsby Timeline

  • Period: to

    Great Gatsby Tmeline

  • Attened college at St.Olafs for two weeks and hated it.

    Attened college at St.Olafs for two weeks and hated it.
    "To the small Luthern college of St.Olafs in Southern Minnesota." Pg.99
  • Gatsby was a clam-digger and fisherman

    Gatsby was a clam-digger and fisherman
    "He had been beating his way along the Southshore of Lake Superior as a clam-digger and fisherman." pg.98
  • Dan Cody drops anchor near Gatsby

    Dan Cody drops anchor near Gatsby
    "When he saw Dan Cody's yacht drop anchor over the most insidious flat of Lake Superior." Pg.98
  • James Gatz changes his name to Jay Gatsby

    James Gatz changes his name to Jay Gatsby
    "I suppose he'd had the name ready for a longtime, even then." Pg.98
  • Worked on Dan Codys Yacht for five years.

    Worked on Dan Codys Yacht for five years.
    "The arrangement lasted five years, during which the boat went three times around the Continent." Pg.100
  • Dan Cody dies

    Dan Cody dies
    "A week later Dan Cody inhospitably died." Pg.100
  • Gatsby meets Daisy

    Gatsby meets Daisy
    "When I came oppisite her house that morning her white roadster was beside the curb, an she ws sitting in it with a lieutenant I had never seen before." Pg.74
  • Gatsby leaves to go to the war

    Gatsby leaves to go to the war
    "Wild rumors were circulating about her-how her mother had found her packing her bag one winter night to go to New York and say good-by to a soldier who was going over seas." Pg.75
  • Daisy marries Tom Buchanan

    Daisy marries Tom Buchanan
    "In June she married Tom Buchanan of Chicago, with more pomp and circumstance than Lousiville ever knew before." Pg.75
  • Gatsby moves to West Egg

    Gatsby moves to West Egg
    "Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay." Pg.78