Went to collge.
"letheran college of st.olafs in southern Minnesota, stayed 2 weeks..." -
Worked as a janitor
"Despising the janitors work which he was to pay his way through..." -
james gatz digs for clams and fishes for salmon
"For over a year he had been beating his way along the south shore of Lake Superior as a clam-digger and a slamon-fisher or in any other capacity that brought him food and bed." -
Meets Dan Cody
"-when he saw Dan Cody's yacht drop anchor over the most insidious flat on Lake Superior." -
Ella Kay
"The none too savory ramifications by which Ella Kay, the newspaper woman, played Madame de Maintenon." -
Cody bought gatsby clothes. -
Gatsby didnt get all his money form Dan Cody because it went to Ella Kay.