Great Expectations By Charles Dickens

  • 50 Years before

  • War of 1812

    The was of 1812 was a fight between United States(US) and United Kingdom(UK). This war had started because Britain had cut off trade with Britain and according to international law this was illegal. So the US went to complain about breaking this law so they started a war. This war lasted 2 years and 8 months. US also wanted to be on top of the society so that gave them a chance. I think this related to the Author because Charles Dickens was born in 1812 so this event might have scared him.
  • Charles Dickens Birth

    He was born when the war of 1812 started. He could have been scared by the date.
  • Dickens Family move to London

    Dickens Family move to London
    Charles loses his brother when he is 2 years old and so the Dickens family proceed to move to London. In the book Pip moves to London to become a gentleman of his century.
  • Charles Falls in love

    Charles Falls in love
    In 1830 when Charles was 18 he fell in love with a young women named Maria Beadnell. Her parents do not approve of the relationship so send her away to Paris for schooling. In the book Pip falls in love with Estella. Mrs Harvisham's daughter. But Estella gets sent away from pip to go to school aswell.
  • Charles's dad dies

    Charles father John Dickens had died that year. I relate this to the book because Pip's sister/mother dies so I thought that the author switched the gender around but had a similar plot.
  • Unexpected reunion

    Unexpected reunion
    Charles meets up with his first love Maria but it was not good because she was dating someone. Pip his first love has the same problem she is dating someone else so t is not a good reunion.
  • First Publish of Great Expectations

  • 50 Years Later