Great Discoveries of Chemistry

  • Oxygen

    Oxygen was discovered by a Swedish Chemist Carl Wilhelm School when he heated potassium nitrate and mercuric oxide.
  • Electricity Transforms Chemicals

    Associated with Michael Faraday
  • Atomic Theory

    The theory that everything is made up of atoms developed by John Dalton.
  • Atoms Combine Into Molecules

    Developed from the ideas of John Dalton
  • Synthesis of Urea

    Friedrich Wohler carried out several reactions that resulted in the production of Urea and is considered to be the beginning of Organic chemistry.
  • Chemical Structure

    Developed by Kekule.
  • Atoms Have Signatures of Light

    Bunsen and Kurchhoff discovered different colored flames occurred when different metals were burned.
  • Periodic Table of the Elements

    Dimitri Mendeleev came up with an early design of the periodic table of elements that was later improved upon.
  • Plastics

    Thomas Graham makes observations about materials that lead to understanding plastics, and the work is significantly developed by John Wesley Hyatt.
  • Radioactivity

    Becquerel used naturally fluorescent materials to study x-rays and radioactivity.
  • The Electron

    Discovered by JJ Thomson using cathode rays.
  • Electrons for Chemical Bonds

    G.N. Lewis developed a theory about covalent bonding and the sharing of electrons.
  • Fullerenes

    A type of pure carbon molecule whose discovery is attributed to Sir Harold W. Kroto.