Jan 1, 1924
Stock market rises very fast -
Construction Boom
Construction boom is slowed. -
Period: to
The Great depression
Farmers Struggle
Farmers Revunue is slowed by the prices going down -
U.S. Stock Prices Fall
This is when people started taking notice of the great depression -
Black Tuesday
Stock Market loses 30 billion -
First Bank of America Riot
People Riot after going bankrupt due to loss of money -
100,000 Banks+ Fail
100,000+ Banks fall since 1929, hurting the economy -
Unemployment Rate Hits 25%
Unemployment rate averages out at 25% -
Franklin D. Roosevelt Becomes President
Franklin Roosevelt Tried to fix the unemployment rate decreasing it by almost 10% by 1937 -
The Gold Reserve Act
banned private ownership of gold and doubled its price -
Roosevelt Re-elected
One last term with Roosevelt -
Agricultural Adjustment Act
After the first one in 1933 was ruled unconstitutional this one was put in place, giving a minimum wage, and a max work week