Black Thursday
when panicked investors sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunging 11 percent at the open in very heavy volume. -
Banks begin to fall
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act is passed. Many economists say this act contributed to the Great Depression. -
Empire state building
The empire state building was completed on April 11,1931 it took one year and 45 days to compete. -
New president
Franklin D. Roosevelt elected as new U.S. president -
Emergency Banking
The Emergency Banking Act becomes law.
Signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (D) on March 9, 1933 -
The SEC was established in order to regulate the stock market. -
The social security Act
The Social Security Act is signed into law. -
unemployment falls and Hitler host Olympics
Unemployment Falls to 16.9 percent.36 Olympics caused Hitler humiliation when his Aryan Supermen were dominated by the great Jesse Owens. -
Roosevelt wins again
Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated to his second term as president. -
recession of 1938
Unemployment jumped from 14.3% in May 1937 to 19.0% in June 1938. Manufacturing output fell by 37% from the 1937 peak and was back to 1934 levels. -
The End of the deppression
the depression came to a end in 1939 -
Beginning of World War II
World War II begins when Germany invades Poland. The depression ends over the next several years as the U.S. builds up its armed forces.