Great Depression

  • Stock Market Crash

    The stock market crashes beginning on October 24 (Black Thursday).
  • Deportations of Mexican- Americans

    In Feburary, 6,024 Mexican Americans are deported because of resentment over them stealing jobs from “real” Americans.
  • New York's Bank of the United States collapses

    the largest bank failure in the nation's history
  • FDR elected

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected president over Herbert Hoover.
  • FDR Inaguration

    FDR is inagurated.
  • Bank Holiday

    Four-day bank holiday begins and FDR promises Congress will work on saving the banking industry
  • Emergency Banking Act

    The Emergency Banking Act of 1933 is created.
  • Fireside Chats begin

    FDR delivers his first "fireside chat."
  • Fireside Chats begin

    March 12, FDR delivers his first fireside chat
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) is established.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Administration

    The Federal Emergency Relief Administration is created.
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

    The National Industrial Recovery Act is introduced to Congress.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    The Tennessee Valley Authority is created.
  • Civil Works Administration

    The Civil Works Administration is established.
  • Work Projects Administration

    FDR creates the Work Projects Administration.
  • National Youth Administration

    The National Youth Administration is set up to help young men and women.
  • Social Security

    The Social Security Act of 1935 is signed by FDR.
  • Photos of migrant workers

    Photos of migrant workers
    Photographer Dorothea Lange takes photographs of workers in California including this iconic one.
  • FDR elected

    FDR defeats Kansas Governor Alfred M. Landon for a second term as president
  • Unemployment rises

    Unemployment rises again, and FDR’s New Deal programs suffer a setback.
  • Federal Spending

    FDR tries to stimulate the economy by asking Congress to authorize $3.75 billion in federal spending.
  • FDR Elected

    Franklin Roosevelt is elected to his third term as president after defeating Wendell Willkie.