
Germany 1945

  • Germany in Ruins

    Germany in Ruins
    Germany lay in ruins at the end of World War II in May 1945 and when every German knew that he or she had to begin life all over again.
  • Germany after 1945

    Germany after 1945
    Germany was left destroyed may of their houses
    and buildiung weer destroyed.
  • Germany Surrendors

    Germany Surrendors
    Germany Nazis had to surrenedor after the war.
  • Germany political changes

    Germany political changes
    after the war ended in 1945, the largest parties were founded . These were on the left the SPD and KPD which both had existed in the Weimar Republic, while on the right the parties were new: the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) attracted members from centrists Christians to national conservatives, while the FDP (Free Democratic Party) attracted members from liberal democrats to national liberals.
  • Germany's Economic

    Germany's Economic
    a large percentage of Germany’s working-age men were dead. At the time, observers thought that West Germany would have to be the biggest client of the U.S
  • Germany's Economic

    Germany's Economic
    By 1948 the German people had lived under price controls for twelve years and rationing for nine years.
  • Hitler as leader

    Hitler as leader
    Hitler was leader in germany from 1933-1934 and then sucide in 1945 after ww2
  • Current economic and political system in Germany

    Current economic and political system in Germany
    Germany’s judicial system, independent and free of corruption, enforces contracts reliably. Open to global trade and investment has allowed Germany to become one of the world’s most competitive and flexible economies.