Great Britain

  • World War 1 ends

    World War 1 ends
    World War 1 ends with a Allied power victory.
  • Germany reinstitutes a draft

    Germany reinstitutes a draft
    In the treaty of Versailles that the Allies created to end WW1 it states Germany is not allowed to have more than 100,000 men. But Great Britian and France ignored it to avoid war
  • Germany militarize the Rhineland

    Germany militarize the Rhineland
    This is also forbidden in the Versailles treaty, but the Allies let it slide once again to avoid war.
  • Germany Forces a union with Austria

    Germany Forces a union with Austria
    Even though it broke the rules of the treaty of Versailles that the Allies made to end WW1 they let it pass to avoid war.
  • Policy of Appeasement

    Policy of Appeasement
    Britain and France adopt the policy of appeasement which allowed Hitler to annex part of Czechoslovakia to Germany to avoid conflict.
  • Appeasement ends

    Appeasement ends
    Ends after Germany claims Czechoslovakia. Great Britain and France pledge to defend Belgium, Holland, and Switzerland, and Poland again German aggression.
  • Germany captures Poland- Start of WW2

    Germany captures Poland- Start of WW2
    When Germany decided to capture Poland, which was under G.B. and Frances protection, the second world war starts.
  • Battle of Britain- The "blitz"

    Battle of Britain- The "blitz"
    Nazi Germany bombed the crap out of Britain, mostly London, from the air, but the Germans never gained control over Britain.
  • America enters the war

    America enters the war
    After the attach on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, America decided to enter the war. This greatly increased the number of army men and military weapons and overall helped the Allies win the war.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    The Allies plan an assault on the weakest axis territories in North Africa
  • Large British air raid on Berlin

    Large British air raid on Berlin
    British dropped 45,517 tons of bombs; Americans dropped 23,000 tons, as part of the allied campaign of strategic bombing.
  • D-Day

    The Allied forces invaded northern by invading the beaches in Normandy.
  • Meeting of Yalta

    Meeting of Yalta
    Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill meet at Yalta to discuss how to end the war with a Allied Victory.
  • Allies destroy Buchenwald and Belsen concentration camps; Roosevelt dies

    Allies destroy Buchenwald and Belsen concentration camps; Roosevelt dies
    Allied forces liberate the concentration camps Buchenwald and Belsen. Roosevelt dies in office and Harry Truman in now President of the United States.
  • World War 2 ends for Great Britain

    World War 2 ends for Great Britain
    Axis powers surrendered, war continued for Japan and America, but ended after a few months and two atomic bombs dropped on Japan cities.