Jan 1, 1543
Heliocentric Theory
Nicolaus Copernicus
-Sun is the center of the solar system -
Specific Gravity
Galileo Galilei -
Theory of Motion
Galileo Galilei
-Based on density, not weight -
Law of Falling Objects
Galileo Galilei -
Parabolic Arc of Projectiles
Galileo Galilei -
Inverse-Square Gravitational Force Law
Ismael Bullialdus -
Universal Law of Gravity
Isaac Newton -
Gravitational Constant
Henry Cavendish -
Neptune Discovered
Urbain Le Verrier and John Couch Adams -
Mach's Principle
Ernst Mach -
Henri Poincaré -
Law of Mass-Energy Conservation
Albert Einstein
E=mc^2 -
Gravitational Red Shifts
Albert Einstein -
Theory of Relativity
Albert Einstein -
Singularities and Quantum Gravity
John Wheeler -
Disproving of Pluto
-Decided Pluto does not fit requirements of a planet