graphic moments timeline

  • Mar 6, 1460

    early woodcuts

    early woodcuts
    the earliest known book using woodcuts was printed by albrecht pfister in bamberg, germany
  • Oct 14, 1476

    introduction of printing

    introduction of printing
    william caxton introduces printing to american colonies. he brought equipment from the neterlands to establisha press at westminister
  • Aug 2, 1535

    first in new world

    first in new world
    the first printing press in the new world was established in mexico
  • next press created

    next press created
    the predeccessor f the modern oxford university press was established in 1585. since then the press has operated cotinuously
  • benjamin franklin becomes publisher

    benjamin franklin becomes publisher
    when ben franklin was young, he worked at an office. as he aged, he got an office of his own. he started publishing the pennsylvania Gazette.
  • father of printing

    father of printing
    john baskerville established a paper mill, printing office, and type foundry at birmingham in 1750
  • printers take over

    printers take over
    by 1770 there were at least a dozen printers in boston
  • isaiah thomas makes paper

    isaiah thomas makes paper
    in 1770 isaiah thomas made a publication of the massachusetts spy, a newspaper in whichhe supported the cause of the patriots
  • linotype

    designer ottmar mergenthaler invents the first linotype in 1822
  • photography invented

    photography invented
    dagurre invents photography
  • fox talbot uses potassium bichromate

    fox talbot uses potassium bichromate
    fox talbot uses potassium bichromate to sensitize gelatin and produced a half tone engraving by laying a screen of fine gause between the coated metal and a negative of the original picture
  • poitevin invents photolithography

    poitevin invents photolithography
    poitevin invents photolitography based on bichromated albumin
  • first commercial half tone screen

    first commercial half tone screen
    the first commercial halftone screen was invented by max and louis levy of philadelphia
  • man improves technique

    man improves technique
    frederick ives improves the levy's technique by developing the earliest version of the glass crossline screen
  • monotype created

    monotype created
    the monotype was was invented in 1887 by tolbert lanston
  • washington press

    washington press
    more than 6,000 presses sold in the united states
  • disc discovered

    disc discovered
    an italian archaeeologist discovered a disc with writing on it
  • new typesetters

    new typesetters
    william church was one the few to design a type setting machine so they didn't have to use it by hand
  • phototypesetting

    created in 1949 typesetting started new developements in the printing history
  • scanner

    the scanner is introduced in 1950