Graphic Design

  • Period: to

    Graphic Design Timeline

    Graphic Design is design in everything we have and see. It is how things are made so it is appealing to users.
  • Ivory Soap

    Ivory Soap
    During the Industrial Revolution, people wanted to advertise their products, one of which was ivory soap. This was created by James Norris Gamble and was accidentally improved by a worker who forgot to shut off the soap making machine. When he came back, he found that the soap bubbles that had formed floated. The floating soap was highly wanted by consumers.
  • Graphic Design is Named

    Graphic Design is Named
    William Addison Dwiggins designed covers for books and called it graphic design. Up until this point, most book covers were bland and boring, but Dwiggins thoughts that having an exciting cover was important.
  • War of Design

    War of Design
    During World War 2 there was a lot of graphic design seen. Many posters and designs were made to get people to help fight and get them rallied to go to war. Both sides made posters so that soldiers would think their opponent was their enemy and worth fighting.
  • Fight for Rights

    Fight for Rights
    During the 1900s, black were discriminated. Martin Luther King Jr. was a main leader in the fight for rights. Ads were made to bring awareness to their discrimination in hopes of being seen and heard.
  • A Different Approach to Design

    A Different Approach to Design
    Chip Kidd was a famous graphic designer who designed book covers. A well known one is the cover for Jurassic Park. While most designers had a specific audience they targeted with their designs, Kidd did what he felt like and knew that it would speak to people.
  • A Soul Touching Ad

    A Soul Touching Ad
    Procter and Gamble, two designers made an ad for when Olympians thanked their moms. It helped people to realize that the parents helped to encourage and shape the athlete into what they became.
  • Over the Top

    Over the Top
    Ads today use Graphic Design and are everywhere--so many places it's almost ridiculous. You can't open a website or walk down the hall at school without seeing an ad for something. One ad that is dangerous are ads about food. Scientists are showing that ads about food are making us eat more--more than is necessary. Although graphic design is a big part of our lives, it is important to not go over the top.