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Grant's Radio Timeline

  • Heinrich hertz wireless

    Heinrich hertz wireless
    Experimented in the 1880’s with sending transmission
    The basis of how radio works - he didn’t think it meant much
  • Advancing radio communications

    Advancing radio communications
    Guglielmo Marconi - widely considered the “father” and “inventor” of radio
    Pioneered a lot of the general basis of how long-distance radio transmissions work
    One of his original inventions was an alarm that would go off when it detected electric waves from lightning
    Marconi had a huge breakthrough in 1885 when he discovered he could sent the signal a greater range by raising the height of the antenna
    Filed for patent on his first radio apparatus in 1886
  • Nikola Tesla

    Nikola Tesla
    Nikola Tesla - inventor - develops the Tesla Coil - induction coil widely used in radio
    Produce high voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity
  • First radio advertisement

    First radio advertisement
    *1922 - WEAF aired a 10 minute broadcast for an apartment complex charging $50
  • The Golden Era of Radio

    The Golden Era of Radio
    The Great Depression and War caused depression in the US
    *Radio became an escape for people to be entertained - the family would sit around and listen to the radio together, much like people watch tv today
  • Video killed the radio star...

    Video killed the radio star...
    The invention and explosion of TV caused radio to lose audiences and advertising money, so program directors shaped radio into what it is today...MUSIC!!!!
    *People could only get music in a few places and radio stations playing it during the day allowed people to listen to it without having to pay complete attention