Grandpa's Timeline

  • Birth

    Roland Voith is born in Stevens Point, Wisconsin
  • Empire State Building is Finished and Opened

    Empire State Building is Finished and Opened
    Timeline of Empire State Building
    In May of 1931, the 102 story building was completed after construction began on March 17, 1930. The building that was once the Waldorf–Astoria Hotel is now the skyscraper that held the title of "World's Tallest Building" for 40 years.
  • Beginning Kindergarten

    Beginning Kindergarten
    Roland begins kindergarten.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor
    At a naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii, the Japanese launched a surprise attack in an effort to handicap the U.S. army. Over 300 airplanes, ships, and naval vessels were destroyed or damaged, and more than 2,500 American, including civilians, were injured or killed.
  • Drafted

    Roland was drafted in the U.S. army for the GI bill and to join his peers and help his country.
  • Graduated Highschool

    Graduated Highschool
    Roland graduated from Cedarburg High School.
  • Got Out of Army

    Roland got out of the army after four years of service.
  • Met Helen Black

    Ronald met Helen, his future wife, at a dance.
  • Marriage

    Ronald and Helen were married in a church in June.
  • Graduated College

    Graduated College
    Roland graduated from Marquette University with a degree in mechanical engineering.
  • First Child

    Roland and Helen have their first child, Alice.
  • Second Child

    Roland and Helen have their second child, John.
  • Third Child

    Roland and Helen have their third child, Fred.
  • Fourth Child

    Ronald and Helen have their fourth child, Paul.
  • Hired at Astronautics

    Roland was hired at the company Astronautics and worked as an electrical engineer.
  • Fifth Child

    Roland and Helen have their fifth child, Mary.
  • Sixth Child

    Roland and Helen have their sixth child, Virginia.
  • Seventh Child

    Roland and Helen have their seventh child, Catherine.
  • Eighth, and Final, Child

    Roland and Helen have their eighth, and last, child, Joeseph.
  • Watergate Trials

    Watergate Trials
    Watergate Trials
    Trials for the Watergate cover-up scandal are completed. John Mitchell, H. R. Haldeman, and John D. Ehrlichman were jailed due to their attempted cover-up of the Watergate scandal. They were accused of paying "hush money" to keep the burglars' silence about the break-in.
  • First Windows Computer

    First Windows Computer
    Windows Computer
    The first Windows computer system was given to the public. The company founder, Bill Gates, provided a 16-bit, multi-tasking desktop that required a mouse, which was not received positively by users unfamiliar to it.
  • Atlantis Docks with Russian Space Station

    Atlantis Docks with Russian Space Station
    American Shuttle Docks on Russian Space Station
    The American space shuttle Atlantis docks on the Russian space station for the first time. This was a historic moment between the two countries that were once rivals in the space race.
  • Death of Rosa Parks

    Death of Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks
    After her famous protest on a Montgomery bus, and inspiring the boycott for civil rights in America, Rosa Parks dies. People memorialized her name with a holiday on December 1, the day she was arrested.
  • Freddie Gray Dies

    Freddie Gray Dies
    Freddie Gray
    In Baltimore, riots began to break out after Freddie Gray, a black man in the custody of the police, died from mistreatment by the police who arrested him. The Black Lives Matter movement sprung forth from this injustice and the police brutality against black Americans.
  • Death of Roland Voith

    Roland Voith dies at the age of 88 after having had eight children, 31 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.