Grandmother's Timeline

  • Birthdate

    My grandmother was born in Bradley, Arkansas to Wesley Williams and Estella Williams. Bradley is a town in Lafayette County which during the 1940s had a population of around 400 people. Southern Lafayette County was an important area for the cultivation of cotton in early 20th Century. Both of her parents were sharecroppers who lived on a small farm growing cotton.
  • Moving to Pine Bluff

    My grandmother to Pine Bluff, Arkansas to order to take advantage of the economic opportunities that weren't possible in Bradley. While in Pine Bluff, she performed domestic work in white homes.
  • Change in Occupation

    My grandmother quit working as a domestic in Pine Bluff because of a conflict with a family. She later became employed in retail.
  • First Child

    While in Pine Bluff, she had her first child Ricky Holmes
  • Second child

    Second child
    Birth of my mother Belinda Holmes who still resides in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. She is the Director of Student Health Services at UAPB.
  • Trip to New York

    Trip to New York
    My grandmother traveled to New York with a couple of friends for 3 months for an opportunity to work as a domestic there.
  • Third Child

    Third Child
    My grandmother had her third child, my uncle named Timothy Todd
  • Her first house

    The first house she ever had
  • Last child

    Last child
    My grandmother had her last time, my aunt named Wylene Richardson
  • Bought Her First Home

    She bought the home that she currently resides in today
  • Wal-Mart

    She started working for Wal-Mart which she has been at for over 20 years
  • First Son's Wedding

    Her first son's wedding that took place in Miami, Florida
  • Her Mother's Death

    Her mother died
  • Her Father's Death

    Her father died
  • Head of the Kitchen Committee

    My grandmother was elected to Head of the Kitchen Committee of New Morning Star Baptist Church