Sharon Stahnke is born
Berlin Airlift
Berlin Airlift
Soviets placed a blockade on the allied sector of Berlin, Germany to starve the population, so the people could support the Soviets. The response led to military aircraft, who flew day and night to feed the city. -
DNA discovered
DNA discovered
DNA was discovered by biologist James Watson and physicist Francis Crick, although it was originally discovered by Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher and rediscovered by Phoebus Levene and Erwin Chargaff, James and Francis would have never discovered the three-dimensional double helix and futhered their imformation on DNA -
Sharon's first day of kindergarten
Chased sister in chicken coop
started working at 14
My grandmother started working at 14 to help out her mother -
Beatles become popular in U.S.
Beatles become popular
The Beatles became popular after they made television history in Washington D.C. Seventy-three million people viewed them on the Ed Sullivan Show, which recorded the largest viewing audience in America. -
Grandma's first kiss
Grandma's first boyfriend
Muhammad Ali Becomes World Heavy Weight Champion
Muhammed Ali wins heavy weight championshipOn February 24, 1964 Muhammad Ali defeated Sonny Liston became the world's heavy weight champion. Muhammad Ali used his swift movements to confuse Sonny. He won the first four rounds, but from the substance off of Sonny's glove that got onto his eye, he didn't fight so well on the fifth round bcause the substance blinded his eyes. On the sixth round he was on fire and ended up knocking out Sonny. -
Civil Rights Act
Civil Rights Act
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination for race, religion, sex, or origin. The act was proposed by John F. Kennedy and signed by Lyndon B. Johnson after oppositions from southern congress members. -
Sharon starts working at "Americana"
She was a drill press operator -
Sharon and Patrick get married
Sharon graduated Bayview Highschool
Zodiac Killer Strikes
Zodiac Killer
In the 1960's and 70's a man who went by the name "Zodiac Killer" began to kill couples. After every kill he would send a letter to the police, media, and the victim's parents. He stated that if the media didn't put his letters in the newspaper, he would kill again. The "Zodiac Killer" never got apprehended. -
First Super Bowl
First Super Bowl video
In January, 1967 the Super Bowl was created. Before it was called the Super Bowl, it was known as AFL-NFL championship game, an organized game played in front of half filled stadiums. The first Super wasn't really much of a contest. The Green Bay Packers crushed the Kansas City Chiefs with a score of 35-10 -
Grandma had first child
Grandma's first divorce
First Test-Tube Baby Born
First Test-Tube Baby BornSome people cannot have children, but all of thatt changed when Dr. Patrick Steptoe and Dr. Robert Edwards began working on a solution for conception. Dr. Steptoe and Dr. Edwards had many failed attempts, but one patient, Leslie Brown went trhough with the first few weeks of pregnency after Dr. Edwards and Dr. Steptoe took an egg out of Leslie and fertilzed it with John's sperm. They waited a few weeks then put the egg back in Leslie uterus. The process resulted in Leslie having a 12 pound baby. -
Stock Market Crash "Black Monday"
Stock Market Crash
On October 19, 1987 the stock markets crashed, starting in Hong Kong then to Europe, finally ending in the United States. This resulted in Hong Kong's stock market dropping a good 45.5%, Austrailia 41.8%, Spain 31%, The United Kingdom 26.45% and the United states 22.68%. -
Sharon quit smoking
My grandmother quit smoking cold turkey -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Bay of Pigs
In April 1961 launched a definitive strike, a full scale invasion of Cuba by 1,400 American trained Cubans who had fled their homes when Castro took over. The invasion did not go well. The Invaders were outnumberes by castro's troops and therefore surrendered after 24 hours of fighting