Battle of Lexington & Concord
Winner: Americans
Important People: General Gage, Francis Smith & Paul Revere
Effect: Started the American Revolution -
Sencond Continental Congress
Important People: Ben. Franklin & John Hancock
Effect: It manged the war -
Battle of Bunker Hill
Winner: British
Imprtant Person: General Gage
Effect: Showed that the colonist are not afraid to stand up to the British -
George Washington named Commander in Chef
Important Person: George Washington
Effect: Effective tax system and created a national bank -
American Defeat Quebec
Winner: British
Important People: Gerneal Montgomery & General Benedict Arnold Effect: They Didn't take over Canada -
British Evacuate Bostom
Important People: George Washington & Gernal Howe
Effect: To prevent another battle to happen -
Declartion Of Independance
Important People: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, King George III, & John Hancock
Effect: Annouced the 13 colonies -
Battle of Long Island
Winner: British
Important People: Gernal Howe & George Washington
Effect: The start of a British campaign -
Battle of Trenton
Winner: Americans
Important People: General Howe & Geroge Washington
Effect: The victory insipered soldiers to serve longer -
British Occupy Phiadephia
Date: 1777-1778
Important Person: Gerenal Howe
Effect: Drawed the Contiental Army into a battle northern New Jersey -
Winter At Valley Forge
Date: 1777-1778
Important Person: Geroge Washington
Effect: Killed 2,500 soilders -
Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
Winner: British
Important People: General John Burgoyne, General Barry & General Author
Effect: Caused an uproar in the american public -
Battle Saratoga
Date: September 9 - October 7
Winner: Americans
Important Person: Gernal Burgoyne
Effect: Regarded the turning point in the war -
Battle of Brandywine
Winner: British
Important People: Gerneral Burgoyne, Gerenal Howe, & George Washington
Effect: Forced to withdraw the capital of Philadelphia -
Allience with France
Important Person: George Washington
Effect: America would stay neutral in the French Revolution -
Battle of Monmouth Court House
Winner: British
Important People: George Washington & Gerenal Henry Clinton
Effect: Showed that the Contiental Army was good -
Fall of Savannah
Winner: British
Important Person: Lieutenat-Colonel Archibald Campbell
Effect: The opening move in the British plan -
Spain Enters the War
Date: June 1779 - September 1783
Important Person: Ben. Franklin
Effect: They are going to help the Americans -
Siege of Charleston
Date: Febuary 11 - May 12
Winner: British
Important People: Gerenal Clinton & Gerenal Charles Cornwallis
Effect: Surrenered forces numbering about 5,000 to the British -
Benedict Arnold's Treason Discovered
Important People: Gerenal Benedict Arnold & John Andre
Effect: Given an important military command -
Siege of Yorktown
Winner: Americans
Important People: Gerenal Cornwallis & George Washington
Effect: Resulting the Tready of Paris -
Articles of Confederation Adopted
Important Person: Ben. Franklin
Effect: !3 colonies states that the United States as a confederation of soverign states -
French and British Battle in Chesapeake Bay
Winner: French
Important People: Thomas Graves & Francis Joseph Paul
Effect: Effectively securing American independance -
Cornwallis Surrenders
Important Person: Gerenal Cornwallis
Effect: Broung the American Revolution to an end!! -
British Occupy New York City
Important Person: George Washington
Effect: The last vestige of British authority
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