Grace Murtha

  • Day of Birth

    Day of Birth
    Demographics: I was born in the Maine Medical Hospital in Portland, Maine. On December 13th, 1999, how many children were born at the same hospital?
  • Younger brother Charles is born

    Younger brother Charles is born
    Interesting historical fact- In 2003, the name 'Charles' or nickname 'Charlie' was not on the list of the 100 most popular baby names in the US for that year.
  • My family moves from Portland, Maine to Wilmington, North Carolina

    My family moves from Portland, Maine to Wilmington, North Carolina
    Social History- My family moved for one main reason-the weather. Other than a significant climate change, what are some other reasons families move from uppermost northern states to the coast or deep south?
  • Started my first day of kindergarten at Ogden Elementary School

    Started my first day of kindergarten at Ogden Elementary School
    Social history-Ogden Elementary School's mascot is a stingray. How did the tradition of schools having mascots start?
  • Started Cape Fear Academy in 2nd grade

    Started Cape Fear Academy in 2nd grade
    Social history- Cape Fear Academy is a private school. When in history did we realize that a more private education would be necessary for some people?
  • My last cousin is born-Ledger Fisher Vernooy Free

    My last cousin is born-Ledger Fisher Vernooy Free
  • Appendicitus-My appendix is removed

    Appendicitus-My appendix is removed
    Intillectual history- When in history did the appendix become a vestigial organ and why?
  • First day of middle school at CFA

    First day of middle school at CFA
  • CFA Middle School graduation

    CFA Middle School graduation
  • First day of high school at CFA

    First day of high school at CFA
    Social history- How did the idea of seniority based on age in a school system originate?