Grace m. hopper

Grace Murray Hopper 1906-1992

By rland4
  • Born New York City, New York 1906

    Born New York City, New York 1906
    Grace Hopper was born in New York City 1906
  • Period: to

    Life of Grace Murray Hopper

  • 1928 BA Vassar College

    Graduated from Vassar College B.A. 1928 in mathematics and physics
  • Earned Masters Yale

    Earned her Masters degree at Yale in mathematics in 1930
  • Married Vincent Foster Hopper

    Married New York University professor Vincent Foster Hopper 1930 until their divorce in 1945.
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics Yale

    1934 Earned Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale
  • Naval Reserve 1943

    Grace joined the Naval Reserve in 1943 after the Pearl Harbor attack. She was initially rejected for height and age requirements but received a waiver.
  • Harvard Bureau of Ordnance’s Computation Project

    Harvard Bureau of Ordnance’s Computation Project
    Assigned to the Bureau of Ordnance’s Computation Project at Harvard University (1944) working on Mark I under the guidance of Howard Aiken
  • Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation

    Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation
    Hopper was hired by Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation as a senior mathematician and joined the team developing the UNIVAC
  • 1952 Compiler A-0

    Grace developed the first compiler called A-0, which translated mathematical code into machine-readable code
  • Team developed Flow-Matic

    1956 developed Flow-Matic, the first English-language data-processing compiler writing programs in words, rather than symbols.
  • 1959 CODASYL

    1959 participated in Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL), the goal of which was to develop a common business language which eventually led to COBOL
  • Yale’s Wilbur Lucius Cross Medal

    Received Yale’s Wilbur Lucius Cross Medal awarded to outstanding alumni 1972
  • Rank of Rear Admiral

    Rank of Rear Admiral
    In 1985 Grace Hopper was the first woman to achieve the rank of rear admiral
  • National Medal of Technology

    National Medal of Technology
    In 1991, President George Bush awarded Hopper the National Medal of Technology “for her pioneering accomplishments in the development of computer programming languages that simplified computer technology and opened the door to a significantly larger universe of users;” she was the first woman to receive the nation’s highest technology award as an individual
  • Died 1992 Arlington, Virginia

    Died January 1st 1992 in Arlington Virginia, buried with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery
  • USS Hopper

    USS Hopper
    In 1997, the guided missile destroyer, USS Hopper, was commissioned by the Navy in San Francisco