
By kppk

  • Period: to

    First Anglo-Mysore War (1767–69 )

    *The Madras government was forced to sign a humiliating treaty (Treaty of Madras) on 2 April 1769.
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    Warren Hstings

    Governor of Bengal in 1772 and Governor-General of Bengal in 1773 through the Regulating Act of 1773.
    Terminated the system of dual administration in Bengal (1772).
    Board of Revenue (1772).
  • Period: to

    First Anglo-Maratha War

    Fought between the British East India Company and the Maratha Empire in
    India. The war began with the Treaty of Surat and ended with the Treaty
    of Salbai.
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    Second Anglo-Mysore War (1780–84 CE)

    The cause of the Second Anglo-Mysore war was mutual distrust and
    refusal of the English to fulfil the terms of the defensive treaty with
    Haider when he was attacked by the Marathas in 1771.
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    Lord Cornwallis

    Father of Civil Service in India
    permanent revenue settlement or the Zamindari system in Bengal and Bihar (1793)
    The Cornwallis code was introduced in 1793.
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    Third Anglo-Mysore War (1790–92 CE)

    • Lord Cornwallis worked on the anti-Tipu suspicion of the Nizam and the Marathas and formed a Triple Alliance (1790 ce) with them against Tipu. Tipu defeated Major General Medows in 1790, after which Cornwallis himself assumed the command of the English army. *Cornwallis approached Srirangapatna with the help of the Marathas and the Nizam’s troops. *Treaty of Seringapatam
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    Sir John Shore

    Charter Act of 1793.
    Battle of Kharda took place between the Nizam and the Marathas (1795)
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    Lord Wellesley

    The Tiger of Bengal
    *Subsidiary Alliance

    1798 Nizam of Hyderabad
    1799 Mysore and Tanjore
    1801 The Nawab of Oudh
    1801 The Peshwa
    1803 The Bhonsle Raja of Berar
    1804 The Scindia
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    Fourth Anglo-Mysore War (1798–99 CE)

    *The war against Tipu began in 1799 and he was defeated first by
    Stuart at Sedaseer (5 March) and then by General Harris at Malvelley
    (27 March).
    *Then, the English captured Srirangapatna on 4 May 1799 and Tipu died
    defending his capital.
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    Second Anglo-Maratha War

    Aurangabad and Gwalior were taken by the British in 1803.
    Both Scindia and Bhosle accepted the Treaty of Bassein and gave their
    sovereignty to the British
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    Lord Minto I

    The Treaty of Amritsar with Ranjit Singh (1809). The rebellion in Travancore (Kerala).
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    Third Anglo-Maratha War

    The third and final phase of the struggle began with the arrival of the Lord
    Hastings as Governor-General in 1813, who reassumed the aggressive
    the policy of Wellesley and was determined to proclaim British paramountcy
    in India.
    A subsidiary treaty known as the Treaty of Mandsaur was signed with
    the Holkars.