Government/Laws of Potanz

  • 500

    end of civilisation

  • Period: 500 to


  • 520

    government dissolves

  • Nov 19, 711

    government plans tot take over Rome

    the governemnt hires thousands of people. they train them well.
  • Nov 19, 1000

    Potanz uses the guillotine as punishment

    as well as torturing and hanging
  • Nov 19, 1098

    law of no cheating

  • Nov 19, 1324

    Potanianz rule agin

  • Nov 19, 1437

    law of no hierarchy

  • Nov 18, 1500

    democracy starts

  • Potanz uses torturing as punishment

    as well as hanging
  • war agianst Greece. Greece takes over Potanz

  • punishment of hanging

    if you break a law, you get hanged
  • law of no heresy

  • law of no stealing

  • battle aginst Rome and Greece

  • war against Rome

    Potanianz try to take over Rome. Rome is victorious
  • Potanius is elected Prime Minister

  • war against Rome and Greece

  • Rome, Greece and Potanz sign a peace treaty

  • the Potanzian language is invented

  • law of no witchcraft

  • Battle with Greeks against Rome

    Potanz and Greece is victorious
  • beginning of new civilisation

    Potanz is created