Period: to
- It was not a criminal offence to hunt, shoot or kill Aboriginal people
- It was believed they would die out
- Indigenous population reduced
- Indigenous areas became farm land
- Aboriginal people could be shot on sight -Settlers were authorised to shoot Aboriginal people
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- Aboriginal protection acts in NSW and VIC
- Gave wide powers to the Board for the Protection of Aborigines in regards to the lives of Aboriginal people eg. work, live, marry etc.
- It also gave them the power to remove children from homes which lead to the Stolen Generations
Period: to
Assimilation and Integregation
- The Aboriginal population was high so they were 'Europanised' to ultimately make them 'white'
- Nationality and Citizenship Act allowed Aboriginal people to become Australian citizens
- 'Exemption Certificates' were given out to some citizens which meant the holders were 'not Aboriginal' however this also meant they had to live a strict, European lifestyle
- Amendments were made to the Commonwealth Electoral Act which gave all Indigenous people the right to vote
Period: to
- The Constitution was amended and the phrase 'other than the Aboriginal race in any state' was removed from s51 allowing specific, beneficial laws for Aboriginal people to be made
- s127 was removed as it stated that Aboriginal people were not to be counted as part of the population for census purposes
- Creating a Nation for us all was presented to the 2012 prime minister explaining how the constitution should be amended to show recognition to all Indigenous peoples