government leaders group 4

  • Oct 19, 626


    Dynastic Cycle

    Emperor 2. Tang Dynasty 3. 626 to 629
    4. He expanded the Tang Dynasty one way by military conquests. He established schools to train candidates to take the civil service exam.
  • Oct 18, 634

    Nebuchadnezzar II

    Nebuchadnezzar II
    1. Ruler of Babylonia 2. Ancient Greece. 3. 634-562 4.Defeated the Assyrians with the help of the Medes and liberated Babylonia from Assyrian rule. Monarchy
  • Dec 25, 1066

    William the Conqueror

    William the Conqueror
    Feudal Monarch

    King. 2. England 3. December 25, 1066 - September 9, 1807
    4. First Norman king of England and first Non-Anglo Saxon to an English King. Battle of Hasting. Made the Doomsday Book to record all things in England
  • Oct 19, 1174


    Absolute Monarchy. 1.Sultan 2.Egypt and Syria 3. Mid 1174-March 4, 1193
    4. He campaigned to drive the christians from the Holy Land. He fought in the third crusades and it was a tie. Made a truce with Richard the lionhearted.
  • Qianlong

    Dynastic Cycle Title: Emperor
    the qianlong emperor was successful military leader.
    immdediately after asending the throne , he sent armies to
    suppress the miao rebellion and he ruled from ( sep 25 1711-feb 7 1799)
  • Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria
    Constitutional Monarchy

    Queen. 2. Great Britain 3. June 20 1837- January 22, 1901 4. Is the Second longest British Monarch which she served for 63 years and 7 months. While she was in power Great Britain achieved great cultural expansion. Also, innovations/leds in industry, communications, and science.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm I

    Kaiser Wilhelm I
    Absolute Monarchy

    KIng 2. Prussia 3. January 2, 1861- March 9, 1888
    4. Win for Prussia in the Seven Weeks War Against Austria.
  • Joesph Stalin

    Joesph Stalin
    Totalitarian. Communism

    Dictator 2. Soviet Union 3. April 3, 1922-October 16, 1952. 4. General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party of the soviet union. He was one of the murderous dictator killing anyone that was against hims. Fought the Germans in WW2
  • Hideki Togo

    Hideki Togo
    Nationalist Monarch
    Prime Minister 2. Japan 3. October 17,1941-July 22, 1944
    4. He led Japan mostly through World War II. He made the surprise attacks on U.S.A. in Hawaii on Pearl Harbor. (Planned by Admiral Isoroku Yamumoto).
  • Jawaharlal Nehru

    Jawaharlal Nehru
    1. Prime minister 2.Country:India 3.Time: Aug 15,1947 - 1964 4.India became independent, Nehru became prime minister. Fascism
  • Boris Yeltsin

    Boris Yeltsin
    constitutional Republic
    President 2. Russia 3. July 10, 1991-December 31, 1999

    4. First president of russian federation and he helped russia during the 90’s. He signed a peace treaty with chechnya.
  • Sargon I

    Sargon I

    King. 2. Akkad in Mesopotamia 3. 2270 B.C. - 2215 B.C
    4. Conquered many cities along the middle Euphrates to northern Syria. The first army ruler to create a permanent army and Created the world's first empire. He established trade routes with the Indus Valley, the Coast of the Oman Islands, and the shorns of Persian gulf.