Super Hero Establishment

  • Super Villains vs. Super Heros

    Super Villains vs. Super Heros
    Theres a modern World War 1 with villains from space and heroes. The heros save the day but the U.S. is destroyed and we need a new government!
  • Period: to

    New U.S

    After 16 years of rebuilding the U.S with the help of citizens and super hero, it looks brand new
  • Superhero Meeting

    Superhero Meeting
    All the Super heros meet up and talk about what is the next best step for the citizens.
  • America Convention

    America Convention
    As the U.S was getting reconstructed, it was time to think of a new government. Today was voting day and majority all of the citizens thought the superheros and I run the government so it would be safer.
  • Uprising?

    The minority citizens didn't like how superheros were going to take over the government, so they started an uprising and there were 2 casualties and 4 injured through it all.
  • New Powers?

    New Powers?
    Years later, I start experiencing super powers and I tell Captain America, Thor, Iron Man and the others. It seems that I can control energy, I've must've been in contact with something from the war.
  • Superhero Government

    Superhero Government
    The government is created with me as President, Captain America controlling the Executive Branch, Thor the Judicial Branch and Iron Man controlling the Legislative Branch.