Start Of Google
Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Sundar Pichai
Mountain View, CA -
Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page created Google in order to organize information on the Internet and help users find the information they were looking for. Google began primarily as a search engine, which crawls through new and old web pages and sorts them based on relevancy to a user's search. -
Google AdWords launches with 350 customers. The self-service ad program promises online activation with a credit card, keyword targeting and performance feedback. -
First google Product
The first Google product for enterprises is released: the Google Search Appliance is a yellow box that businesses can plug into their computer network to enable search capabilities for their own documents. -
The first Google product for enterprises is released: the Google Search Appliance is a yellow box that businesses can plug into their computer network to enable search capabilities for their own documents. -
We launch Google Grants—the nonprofit edition of AdWords, which provides nonprofit organizations with $10,000 per month in in-kind AdWords advertising to promote their iniatives. -
Google Fiber Idea
We announce a plan to build and test ultra high-speed broadband networks, delivering Internet speeds up to 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today. More than 1,000 communities submit proposals in response. -
Google News
As part of our long-term goal to power our operations with 100% renewable energy, we announce an agreement to purchase the clean energy from 114 megawatts of wind generation in Iowa. -
Google News
Our annual review of the top trending searches is now called the Google Year in Search. -
Companies owned by Google
Alphabet / Android / AdSense / Analytics / Ara / AdMob / Alerts.
Blogger / Boston Dynamics / Books.
Calico / Cardboard / Capital.
Drive / DeepMind / Design / DoubleClick.
Earth / Express.