Gone Girl

  • Amy and Nick meet

    Amy and Nick meet at a writer´s party in New York. Amy makes a living writing personality quizzes for a women´s magazine, and Nick is a trained writer. They share their first kiss.
  • Amy and Nick get married

    Amy and Nick tie the knot two years later. They live in New York, in a house Amy`s parents purchased for them. They are happily married.
  • Amy and Nick move to Missouri

    Things are starting to go downhill for Nick and Amy. They both loose their jobs as writers. When Nick´s parents become ill, him and Amy moves from New York to Missouri. Nick´s mother dies while his father remains mentally ill.
  • Nick and his sister opens "The Bar"

    Nick and his sister Margo, often referred to as Go, opens a bar downtown Missouri. Nick and Go have are good friends and Nick can tell Go everything. They name the bar "The Bar". Amy is now the only one in their relationship without a job. (Unsure of the date)
  • Amy discovers that Nick is having an affair

    Nick becomes lazy and and distant towards Amy, and according to her not looking at her like he used to. One night, Amy wants to visit Nick at work, but catches him cheating on her with one of Nick´s students. Her name is Andie Fitzgerald, and this happens several times.
  • Amy begins the plot against the husband

    Amy now look at her husband with disgust. She wants everyone else to look at Nick the same way that she looks at him. She begins to plot a way to change his reputation, which involes portraying him as a dangerous individual. She starts writing lies in her diary about what he does to her, and even befriends the next-door neighbour and tells her even more lies. This is just the beginning of her plan, and it gets much more extreme.
  • Amy goes missing

    On the morning of Nick and Amys fifth anniversary, Amy goes missing. Nick discovers this after coming home from work. He starts to panic when seeing the front door wide open, the clothing iron still on and especially the coffee table in the living room being smashed and flipped upside down. This indicates to Nick that Amy has been abducted.
  • Nick calls the cops

    As Amy leaves to begin her runaway journey, Nick goes to the cops to report his missing wife. Two cops shows up to his house and examines it, revealing splats of blood and destroyed furniture. The police suspect an abduction or possibly a murder.
  • Nick holds a press conference.

    Nick Dunne holds a press conference concerning the disappearance of his wife. The press conferance doesn´t exactly go his way, and the media portays him as someone who takes advantage of the attention he gets from having a missing wife. Female talkshow-hosts and news-anchors portrays him as a misogynist.
  • Amy befriends Jeff and Greta

    One day gone, Amy drove to the Ozarks in Missouri, changed her appearance and have gone under a different name. She is currently staying at a motel where she meets Greta and Jeff, residents at the motel. They befriend each other, but Amy still keeps her true identity a secret since the missing of Amy Dunne has gone viral.
  • Margo confronts Nick after caughting him cheat once again

    Andie Fitzgerald, one of Nick´s students, makes an unexpected visit at his house. They have sex once again and after she left, Margo confronts Nick about the cheating after pretending to be asleep. When being portrayed as a misogynist in the media, keeping the affair a secret is more important than ever.
  • Nick hires a celebrity attourney

    The media have turned on Nick. In addition to this, the investigators of Amy´s dissapearance frame Nick for the murder of Amy Dunne. They found her diary, which contains lies about Nick´s behaviour, her wanting to buy a gun to protect herself from him and how she fears he eventually will kill her. Nick realise that she wants to frame him for her murder, therefore he speaks to and hires attourney Tanner Bolt.
  • Tanner wants Nick to go on live television

    Things are not going good for Nick. The investigators search for the smallest reason to put him in jail for murder. Therefore, his attourney Tanner wants him to go on live television to defend himself. All of the US will be watching.
  • Amy leaved Greta and Jeff

    Amy´s stay at the motel in the Ozarks last shorter than expected. Greta notices something non-genuine about Amy and the person she is trying to convince them that she is, and her and Jeff rob Amy for all her money. They also beat her and kicks her out of the motel. She don´t know where to go.
  • Amy calls her ex Desi

    Amy tells ex-boyfriend Desi Collings that she wants to hide from Nick. He allows her to stay over. Desi is a wealthy man who is obsessed with Amy, and therefore she knew that Desi would help her and would believe everything she says. When staying at his place, Desi buys her new clothes, gives her a place to work out and cut her hair, all this for her to resemble her old self that Desi fell in love with.
  • Nick goes on live TV, Desi and Amy watch

    Nick confesses his unfaithfulness on live television but asserts that he is not a murderer. The media believes him, which does not make him americas number one villian. Amy and Desi watch the broadcast, Desi in belief that Nick is a terrible person and feeds on the lies about Nick that Amy tell him. Desi genuinely believes that Amy loves him again.
  • Amy kills Desi and frame him for everything

    Amy makes Desi to have sex with her. While they´re doing it, Amy slashes his throat and gets a lot of his blood on her. She then uses a wine bottle to make wounds in her genitalia that is similar to rape wounds. She controls the surveilance cameras at his house and makes an act while being recorded, screaming and crying for help. However, it´s all fake and only for the purpose of framing Deso
  • Amy´s return

    Amy returns home covered in blood, and embraces Nick in front of everyone, putting up an act. She knows that her plan of making Nick the villian failed, and had to change her plan. She claims that Desi abducted her and assaulted her every night in captivity, untill she killed him in self defence. However, Nick knows that Amy fakes it and that making Nick the original villian was her plan all along. It is impossible for Nick to frame Amy for the whole thing, he doesn´t have evidence.
  • Amy is pregnant. They choose to stay together.

    Nick argues with Amy, who does not regret what she did for him. They decide to stay together for the sake of the child she impregnated herself with using Nick's semen. Nick is afraid that Amy won´t be a good parent for their chils, which is the only reason why he doesn´t file for a divorce. Amy impregnates herself as some form of torture preformance, knowing that him being forced to stay with her is the least thing Nick wants to do. Amy believes that Nick got what she deserves.