Golda is born
Golda Meir was born on May 3, 1898. Her father, Moshe Yitzak Mabovitch, was a carpentar. Her mother, Bluma, gave birth to three children, Sheyan, Zipike, and Golda. After Golda was born her family moved from Kiev to Pinska to live with her grandparents (Magill, 2472) (Keller,2). -
Period: to
Golda Meir's Life
Rutherford discovers radioactive elements.
Rutherford discovers alpha and beta rays in radioactive atoms. He studied radioactivity and nucleur physics, He also set forth the laws of radioactive decay (Grunn, 453). -
Golda moves to the US
Economic hardship forced her and her family to the United States. They lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. On high school she joined the Zionist group. Eventually she became the leader of the Milwaukee Labor Zionist Party (Encyclopedia Britannica) (Jewish Virtual Library). -
LOndon Hosts the Olympic Games
London Hosts the Olympic Games. These summer Olympics were supposed to be hosted in Rome but got mmoved to London because of financial issues. Rome eventually hosted the games in 1960 (Grnn 461). -
Golda immigrates to Palestine
Golda Meir and her husband immigrated to British Mandate Palestine, and they lived in Kibbutz Merhava. They lived there until 1923. For the second time in her life Golda was an immigrant (Encyclopedia Britannica) (Jewish Virtual LIbrary). -
Frederich Stoddy wins the Nobel Prize
FRederich Stoddy wins the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. He won it because of his studies of the occurance of nature. He did not recieve the award until 1922 (Bernard Grunn, 481). -
Meir worked as an emiisar in the United States
Meir worked as an emissar in the United States. She served as a secretary of the Hechalutz women's organization. She also became the secretary of the Histardut;s Action Committee until 1934 (Jewish Virtual Library). -
The School of American Ballet
George Balanchie and Lincoln Kirstein found the School of American Ballet. It is one of the most famous classical ballet schools in the world. The school starts training at age six and hoes to eighteen (Grunn 505). -
Exectuive Commitee of the Histadrut
Meir became a member of the Executive Commitee of the Histadrut. She was also the head of the political department. This job would lead to higher cirlces of work for her (Magill 2472). -
Labor Federations Political Department
She became the head of the Labor Federations Political Department, repressing the Histadrut at international conference. As a delegate of the World Zionist council, Meir took on multiple tasks. She undertook several fundraising missions to the United States (Felder 126). -
Penicillin discovered
Penicillin was successfully used in the trstment of chronic diseases. The medicine was discovered on accident by Flemming. He accidently left a bowl of bacteria uncovered for a few days. He returned to find the dish dotted with bacterial growth apart from an area where the penicillin was growing (Grunn 521). -
Political Department of Jewish Agency
The British arrested Jewish activists including Moshe Sharett, who was the head of the Political Department of Jewish Agency. As a cause of the head of the political deparment being arrested they needed someone to do the job do Meir took the opportunity (Jewish Virtual Library) (Encyclopedia Britannica) (Magill 2472). -
Israel becomes Independent
Eventually Israel becomes an independent country. In their Decleration of Independence Meir was given the opportunity to sign it. In that same year she became the Minister of Moscow (Encyclopedia Britannica) (Keller 79). -
Soviet Union lands someone on the moon
Soviet astronaut Lenov leaves the spacecraft. The Soviet Union appeared to be far ahead of the U.S. in the race to land the first man on the moon. Lenov was able to land on the moon although his spacewalk almost ended in disaster (Grunn 55). -
Secreatry General of Mapai Party
After retiring from Foreign ministry, Meir became the Secratry General of the Mapai Pary. She supported Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in conflicts. Israel won victory in the Six-Day War against Egypt, Jordan and Syria. This helped her merge. Mapai with two desident parties into the Israel Labour Party (Encylopedia Brtiannica). -
Meir becomes Prime Minister of Israel
Prime Minister Levi Eshkol dies and they need a new successor. Meir was seen as the only person who could keep things together. Eventually she she accepts the nomination and becomes Prime Minister on March 17, 1969. Later in that year she goes to visti her daughter in Kibbutz Merhavia (Encyclopedia Brtiannica) (Hill 25). -
Yom Kippur War
Meir increases her effots at foreign peace with the Arab States. Her plan came to halt in October of 1793 when war broke out around her. Meir tried so hard to resist the attack but the war plowed on (Encyclopedia Britannica) (Jewish Virtual Library). -
Golda Meir resigns
Israel was not prepared for the war at all so it stunned the nation. In March 1974 she created a new coaliton government. Then on April 10, 1974 she resigned as Prime Minister. She remained in power until June so that a new government could be formed (Encyclopedia Britannica). -
Golda Meir dies
On December 8, 1978 Golda Meir passes away. She had been battling leukemia for 12 years until she lost the battle. Meir did so many great things for Israel and her efforts for peace will be remebered (Encycloedia Brtiannica).