Gold Rush Timeline

  • 1820's

    A man an ore of gold while he was on a 12 day trip at the Blue Mountains
  • 1830's

    In 1837 silver and gold ores were found.
  • 1840's

    William Campbell discovers gold in 1840 Strathlodden, Victoria.
  • 1840's

    In 1848 William Tipple Smith found gold near Bathurst, NSW.
  • 1850's

    In 1851, Gold was found in Orange, NSW.
  • 1850's

    In 1857 in NSW, they accepted the changing licence and the voting that happened in VIC. The British secratary also let mint aloud in Sydney
  • 1860's

    In 1866, Rockhampton in Queensland, is where people found gold.
  • 1860's

    Gold was found in Barossa in South Australia