Summerhill Creek
Summerhill Creek is where Edward Hargraves claims he was the first to dicover gold in Australia New South Whales. He later named where he found gold Ophir. -
Two women withj there skirts hitched up knee deep in clay filling cans with gold. -
James reagon and John Dunlop camed north of Bunininyoung on a bend of a creek the Aboriginies called Balla Rat. -
Mount Alexander
The announcement in the Arges newspaper in the discovery of gold at Mt Alexander made the biggest rush to any Australian gold fields. -
Gold was dicovered in Bathust after the first dicovery at Summerhill Creek. -
BeechWorth became the center of gold digging in the north-east Victoria after gold was dicovered on David Reids sheep farm. -
The Colonial Secretary and several Mountain police watched as W.Chapman panned for gold at Onkaparinga. -
Robe was not the site of any gold dicovery but a port for thousand of Chinese to land. -
Lambing Flats
Lambing Flats is the scene of a bruital race riot in 1861. Alot of chinese minners were killed by the Euapeons because they where jelous. Lambing Flats is now called Young. -
Some believe gold was first dicovered in Beaconfield b1847 but it wasnt untill 1869 that gold was panned. -
Charters Towers
Aboriginal stockman Jupiter was looking for a stray horse when he spotted gold nuggets on the Burdekin River flats on Christmas day. -
gold was dicovered in the Northern Territory as early as 1865 but the rush to Darwin wasnt untill 1871 -
Mount Morghan
McKinely first dicovered gold on the Ironstone Mountain (Mount Morghan). -
Wellesly Bayley rode into the town of the Southern Cross in 1892 with 554 ounses of gold from Coolgardie. -
Irishman Patrick Hannan found gold in Kalgoorlie on June 10 1893. -
Hill End
The largest pice of reef gold was found underneath the Star of Hope mine in Hill End.