
Goals of the Progressive Movement

  • Massachusetts passes first child labor law

    Massachusetts passes first child labor law
    Massachusetts requires workers in factories under the age of 15 to attend school and obtain an education for at least three months out of the year.
  • States begin limiting children's work days

    States begin limiting children's work days
    Massachusetts limits children's work days to 10 hours a day. Other states pass similar laws but these laws are not enforced.
  • First state to allow women to vote

    First state to allow women to vote
    Wyoming was the first state in the nation to allow women 21 years or older to cast votes.
  • The American Federation of Labor is formed

    The American Federation of Labor is formed
    The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was formed by Samuel Gompers. It was one of the first federations of labor unions in the United States that fought for worker's protection and rights. Gompers led strikes to get the attention of management.
  • Interstate Commerce Act is passed

    Interstate Commerce Act is passed
    The Interstate Commerce Act was used to oversee the operation of the railroad industry. The railroad industry became the first industry to be regulated by the federal government. This act set the guidelines on how to do business such as implementing reasonable prices for consumers.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act is passed

    Sherman Antitrust Act is passed
    The Sherman Antitrust Act was the first attempt to prohibit trusts. The US Congress passed it in hope to limit trusts in industries such as the American Sugar Refining Company. It gave Congress the authority to dissolve trusts.
  • Eugene V. Debs creates the American Socialist Party

    Eugene V. Debs creates the American Socialist Party
    Debs and his partner, Victor Berger formed the Socialist party to promote public control of production and distribution. This was one of the economic reforms of the Progressive Era.
  • National Child Labor Committee Forms

    National Child Labor Committee Forms
    At Carnegie Hall in New York City, men and women gathered to discuss child labor. Their goal was to gain the support of influencial advocates. This was the first national campaign to reform child labor laws.
  • Upton Sinclair's The Jungle is published

    Upton Sinclair's The Jungle is published
    Upton Sinclair exposed the ways of the meatpacking industry to the public by describing what happened behind closed doors. Muckrakers like Sinclair in the Progressive Era informed consumers of the ills of an industry. This led to the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906.
  • 19th amendment is passed

    19th amendment is passed
    The 19th amendment guaranteed all American women the right to vote in elections. It was ratified on August 18, 1920.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act is passed

    Fair Labor Standards Act is passed
    The Fair Labor Standards banned brutal child labor. It set the minimum wage at $0.25 an hour and limited the workweek to a maximum of 44 hours.